
Nuclear Reactor

News and updates about Nuclear Reactor

Chief Rabbi of South Africa:

'Israel needs to know that it is alone in the world'

Chief Rabbi of South Africa reacts to PM Netanyahu's speech on the Israel-Iran conflict, 'No other nation will come to our rescue. Act now, save Israel. Be prepared to be condemned for doing it.'

'Israel needs to know that it is alone in the world'

Was Israel permitted to free the Entebbe hostages?

Or for that matter, did Israel get permission to declare independence or bomb Saddam’s reactor? Op-ed.

Was Israel permitted to free the Entebbe hostages?

15 years on: Israel's strike on Syria's nuclear reactor

Former chief of staff & current Knesset candidate says Israel's message then - and now - is that it won't let anyone endanger its security.

15 years on: Israel's strike on Syria's nuclear reactor

Watch: How Finland plans to solve the nuclear waste dilemma

Finland is building the largest, most powerful reactor in Europe - and plans to solve the issue of 250K of nuclear waste worldwide.

Watch: How Finland plans to solve the nuclear waste dilemma

40 years ago Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear site, saving the West

If Israel had not acted, the war on terror might have been a nuclear war. Op-ed.

40 years ago Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear site, saving the West

Would you like some heavy water with your coffee?

Hebrew University researchers decipher the sweet taste of heavy water.

Would you like some heavy water with your coffee?

JFK warned: US support in jeopardy absent nuclear inspections

Documents show JFK warned Eshkol that US support for Israel would be 'seriously jeopardized' if Israel didn't allow inspection of reactor.

JFK warned: US support in jeopardy absent nuclear inspections

Israel presents red lines on Saudi nuclear aspirations

Israeli officials reportedly trying to reach understandings with Washington on sale of nuclear reactor to Saudi Arabia.

Israel presents red lines on Saudi nuclear aspirations

Netanyahu: Our policy on nuclear weapons remains consistent

PM comments after details of 2007 raid on Syrian reactor released. 'We will prevent our enemies from acquiring nuclear weapons.'

Netanyahu: Our policy on nuclear weapons remains consistent

Iraq asks for help in building atomic reactor

Iraq's foreign minister asks countries for help in building an atomic reactor for peaceful purposes.

Iraq asks for help in building atomic reactor

Hanford tunnel collapses onto nuclear materials

Tunnel collapses at south Washington nuclear site, officials say no reason to fear radiation contamination.

Hanford tunnel collapses onto nuclear materials

Iran Claims Think Tank Says It Can Hit Dimona Nuclear Reactor

Iranian media says a US think tank reports Tehran can hit Israel’s nuclear reactor in Dimona without drawing the United States into a war.

Iran Claims Think Tank Says It Can Hit Dimona Nuclear Reactor

Nuclear Reactor in Crosshairs

Route of Drone Hints It May Have Been Aimed at Nuclear Reactor

The strange route of the enemy drone downed by the IAF indicates Israel may have diverted it from flying over the Dimona nuclear reactor.

Route of Drone Hints It May Have Been Aimed at Nuclear Reactor

Fear of Israeli Attack had Iran Firing at its own Jets

Fearing an Israeli attack on its nuclear facilities, Tehran mistakingly fired on their own jets and civilian airlines.

Fear of Israeli Attack had Iran Firing at its own Jets

Torah and Nuclear Power

New Torah Scroll at Nuclear Reactor ‘Protects Us from Iran’

The first Torah scroll for the Dimona nuclear reactor is being dedicated Tuesday, along with a new synagogue, replacing a bomb shelter.

New Torah Scroll at Nuclear Reactor ‘Protects Us from Iran’

Last Active Nuclear Reactor in Japan Turned Off

Japan's final active nuclear plant was switched off on Saturday with fanfare, banner-waving and celebration by marchers in Tokyo.

Last Active Nuclear Reactor in Japan Turned Off

Report: Fukushima Nuclear Reactor 'Unstable,' at 'Lethal Levels'

Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant is still not under control; in fact, radioactivity in its No. 2 reactor is at a deadly level.

Report: Fukushima Nuclear Reactor 'Unstable,' at 'Lethal Levels'

Japan Shuts Down Second-to-Last Nuclear Reactor

Japan has taken its second-to-last nuclear reactor off line, and the last will be shut down in May, creating a possible power shortage.

Japan Shuts Down Second-to-Last Nuclear Reactor

Japan to Test Mother's Milk for Radiation

Japan may add testing for radiation in mother's milk to the health checks in Fukushima Prefecture.

Japan to Test Mother's Milk for Radiation