Yitchak Stern, a third-grader from Jerusalem, received international attention due to his recent medical diagnosis. Currently fighting advanced stage 4 brain cancer in Tel Hashomer, his mother just shared a heartbreaking incident.
Mrs. Stern was sitting by his hospital bed when Yitzchak turned to her with a confused look. He heard doctors advising the parents to send Yitcak for surgery in Boston immediately, warning that this was their only option. Yitchak asked his mother, ‘Why haven’t we gone yet? I want to get better!’
His mother tried to explain to him that surgery was very expensive. The costs reach a staggering $120,000, which the Sterns can ill afford. They were forced to put surgery on hold, despite the damage to Yitzchak’s life.
Yitchak couldn’t believe that the reason he hadn’t yet gone to Boston was because of a lack of funds. “I have money from my birthday! And you can ask all our neighbors and friends to help pay for it. Tell them that I really need to go to Boston!”
His mother shared that she almost cried at his innocence. “What can answer my little boy? That his parents can’t afford to save his life?” With no way to pay on their own, the parents created a fundraising page to allow Yitchak to access surgery. However, the clock is ticking against him and they are currently $100,000 short.
Mrs Stern requested that the fundraising page be shared again, and readers can contribute towards treatment by donating here.
*Photo has been used for illustrative purposes only.