Former hostage Maya Regev shared the abuse she endured during the 50 days she was held in captivity in Gaza after being shot in the leg and kidnapped from the Nova music festival on October 7.
"They delibetrately hurt me," Regev said in an interview with Channel 12 News while describing the treatment she received for the bullet wound in her leg. "Sometimes they would take chlorine, alcohol or apple cider vinegar and pour them into the gunshot wounds."
"In order so that I wouldn't scream, then they would drug me with ketamine and phetidine intravenously. It's more of a muscle relaxant than a pain reliever, so I just didn't have the ability to react to them - but I did feel," she said.
When asked what kept her going during this time, Regev responded, "I had two choices, to lie on the mattress and cry that I miss my parents, to cry that I was shot, to cry that I was in captivity and just get closer - or pick myself up and fight. I think that's in the end what really saved me."
She also said that she wants to study medicine: "When I was there, I told myself that if I get out of this and get home - I want to take care of people properly."