One of the survivors of the terrorist attack on Tuesday morning near Shavei Shomron, Uri Hirschfeld, recounted the moments of horror, in a conversation with head of the Samaria Council, Yossi Dagan, who lives nearby.

"We left Avnei Hefetz and were heading to Har Bracha. We got to the intersection. I heard a loud boom, and found out that it was the exit holes of a bullet. I looked to my friend on my right and saw that he had been hit and had blood on his hands," he said. "We continued driving straight from here, and we saw an IDF jeep. We stopped it and arrived here."

"We are strong, and we will still drive here. It will be all right, with God's help."

Dagan responded to the attack and said that "this shooting attack here, between Shavei Shomron and Einav – so close to the place where Elhanan Klein z”l was murdered just a few months ago, is a clear reminder that there is a war in Judea and Samaria, just like there is a war in Gaza and on the northern border."

"The Palestinian Authority is the same as Hamas. Some are terrorists in suits, and some are terrorists with a green ribbon on their foreheads. I demand from the government and the high command to change the approach already."

"The weapons that are circulating here, in the Palestinian Authority, the illegal weapons, are the weapons they use to fire on us. These are the weapons that they use to attack. The security checkpoints need to be put back. The weapons need to be collected and a war needs to be waged against the terrorist infrastructure of the Palestinian Authority, to increase military operations."

"We left Avnei Hefetz and were heading to Har Bracha. We got to the intersection. I heard a loud boom, and found out that it was the exit holes of a bullet. I looked to my friend on my right and saw that he had been hit and had blood on his hands," he said. "We continued driving straight from here, and we saw an IDF jeep. We stopped it and arrived here."

"We are strong, and we will still drive here. It will be all right, with God's help."

Finally, he said that "we are in a war, and if we don't change our approach, it will reach here as well, and from here to Netanya and other coastal towns. We will never be broken. Jewish residence in Samaria will continue to build and prosper. We must be able to travel everywhere, contribute to the country, and we will be part of the victory. We must win. We demand a victory; we demand a strong response.”