Prison, archive
Prison, archiveDavid Cohen/Flash90

The ISA (Shin Bet) opposes the early release of a Jewish resident of the center of the country for good behavior, after he was convicted of attacking an Arab during Operation Guardian of the Walls (2021), according to a document submitted by the organization on Tuesday to the Prison Service Parole Committee.

"In light of the serious incident in which the subject was involved, the detailed intelligence information found in the confidential investigation, and the volatile situation in the region following the Swords of Iron war and its consequences – we would like to oppose the early release of the subject," the document reads.

The Jewish man was convicted of attacking Arabs, along with others, during Operation Guardian of the Walls in Herzliya. After his arrest, he was interrogated by the Shin Bet and an indictment was filed against him. He was convicted by the High Court who sentenced him to 15 months in prison.

This week the parole board is expected to discuss his request for early release due to good behavior. After the indictment this prisoner underwent rehabilitation and treatment.

Attorney Adi Keidar from Honenu, which represents the prisoner, said: "In such sensitive times, the General Security Service was expected to put in efforts and invest resources in protecting the security of the state and not to waste time with a young man who has no criminal record, who rioted during Operation Guardian of the Walls and received a relatively light sentence, and he has only several months left until his release. It is a shame that we hear about the release of terrorists, including senior officials and the director of the Shifaa Hospital, while on the other hand, this is what the Shin Bet has to do. Freeing terrorists in the middle of a war is important for stability, freeing Jews is dangerous and volatile. The Shin Bet is stagnant on October 6, and this should keep us from sleeping soundly."