Former IDF Chief of Staff MK Gadi Eizenkot (National Unity) spoke in the Knesset plenum on Tuesday and called on the Likud to stop advancing the so-called “Smotrich and Ben Gvir Laws” that would give them extensive control in Judea and Samaria.
"The so-called Ben Gvir Law and the Smotrich Law will cause serious harm to one of the most important and complex tasks of the IDF, which fights effectively and decisively to thwart terrorism and provide security to the people of Israel. And I still propose that this law be stopped," said Eizenkot.
"In my opinion, there is a deep, perhaps hidden, goal to weaken the defense establishment and bring about, within a year or two, the dissolution of the Civil Administration and finally bring about the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority, which today manages the lives of 2.5 million Palestinians."
"As a Chief of Staff who served for four years under a Likud government, I know that the approach that will take place in the coming period stands in complete contrast to what I have come to know from them. These are very serious steps - that will bring disaster upon the Zionist enterprise and a slide into one state or the one-state vision that is the vision of quite a few Palestinians, and a vision of a minority in the State of Israel," he continued.
"In the polls that I know about, 78% of Israeli citizens are opposed to a binational state and we need to make sure that a minority, out of political distress, will not cause serious damage to the Zionist enterprise and the State of Israel as Jewish, democratic, safe, egalitarian and progressive," said Eizenkot.