I’m a Trump America First Policies Activist from New York. I make no apologies proclaiming that. I make no apologies stating the obvious, even if many in the NY GOP are embarrassed to say it.
This past week, Garden City, NY, a neighboring community to areas filled with like minded voters like myself, such as Merrick, Great Neck, Roslyn, Oceanside, Long Beach and the Five Towns, played host to the New York State Republican convention. Talks about gaining the Jewish vote and attempts for Jewish donors were carefully strategized. I can personally share that I have been asked who to “hit up for Jewish” support.
As this was ongoing, the Jews of Ukraine, home to the largest Chabad enclave, were struggling for survival. Babi Yar, the Holocaust memorial and mass grave of over 34,000 Jews, commemorating one of he largest massacres of World War 2, is claimed to have been bombed and destroyed, although this is hotly denied by Russia's ambassador to Israel.
You have heard me say for years we are living in either pre-Holocaust times or the time before Moshiach.
The New York State Republican Party is not the answer for the Jews.
There are many questions that need to be answered:
- In almost every race, endorsed candidates are involved in expensive primaries and not every endorsed candidate will win.
- Most of the candidates have little to no involvement in Jewish communities where they are running-why are they any different than their Democrat counterparts?
- Why are there too many Congressional districts without endorsed candidates, including my own, the 4th district? I have been working with candidates running vigorously for over a year, raising millions and getting press. By ignoring these seats, you hand them to Democrats.
- Why are there still people in Rochester and Nassau who have been called out for their anti-Semitism still in office?
My advice to my fellow Jews if we are to achieve power:
Look at very winnable seats where Jews will have power across the country outside of New York in local, state and national elections. There are a record number of Jewish America First Republicans running, including an historic American-Israeli who can make history in Nevada and the United States. (Sigal Chattah for Nevada Attorney General)
Don’t make your choices on social media “professionals.” There are way too many “celebrities” that make themselves important but really offer little to victories. Political Instagram is the same as Reality Show Instagram. They have no clues on our issues and wouldn’t be able to discuss detailed legislation if they tried. I have experience writing legislation and learning issues, history and all people related to it.
Meet like minded people and build coalitions.
Remember, being Jewish doesn’t necessarily mean you are a Zionist or support American Jewish policies. Look at the left - at Sanders, Schiff and Nadler.
New York has several other problems for its Jewish constituents. Many common sense conservative-minded voters have left or are looking to leave the state, rather than fix it. Current Republican and moderate Democrats are being replaced by socialists, who are aiming to destroy Jewish real estate, manufacturing and banking businesses, and handing our hard-earned taxes to illegal immigrants and over 800,000 new voters.
Crime is at an all-time high and Jews helped Eric Adams become mayor, only to be disappointed. But, did they really have a choice?
Which comes back to my original statement— Jews have nothing to celebrate at the NYSGOP convention, even if Lee Zeldin is Jewish. Zeldin has been outspoken on his Pro-Jewish issues, however, he has to win his primary, and then run against the Democratic control of City Hall, Albany and Washington.
There are too many issues in both major parties for Jews to invest in them in New York. And, like every good Jewish mother, me and my friends see the future and are doing what is best—having our children and grandchildren either make Aliyah or establishing Jewish communities with kosher food, Jewish schools and religious organizations in other states.
I will be discussing this and more on my new radio show.The Cindy Grosz Show, Talk Radio’s First Jewish Woman Activist, is going into syndication and premiering in the Midwest on Sunday, March 6th 4:00 CT, right before Judge Jeanine Pirro’s show. It’s still in the tri-state area on 620 AM, Saturday nights at 9:00 ET and downloaded anytime through Jewish Podcasts in Jerusalem.
I am a proud Trump Republican, but I am a Jew first!
Cindy Grosz is an award-winning pro-Israel and Education activist. She works on exposing corruption in schools, improving oversight on classroom curriculum and ending anti-Semitism in education situations. She also helps educators fight discrimination in the hiring and firing practices of school staff.Listen to her radio show.