MK Sharren Haskel with Sovereignty Youth
MK Sharren Haskel with Sovereignty YouthMeir Elifur

The Sovereignty Youth movement was established in the Hebrew month of Sivan, 2018, as part of the Sovereignty Movement, an extra-parliamentary movement that works to promote the application of Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.

Over the past years, the Sovereignty Movement, founded by the Women in Green, co-headed by Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, has been leading activities to encourage and fortify the Jeeush settlement in Judea and Samaria, and to strengthen the discourse on Sovereignty.

The movement also deals with public and ideological struggles in the political arena and organizes Zionist educational activities for youth groups.

Recently, the movement held a public protest against the establishment of a US consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem, as well as increasing Zionist educational activity for youth groups.

The youth movement operates in three areas, In the field: Through information booths, distribution of bracelets and pamphlets about sovereignty, discussion circles, seminars and youth conferences.

They also operate via the media, through informational videos that are accessible to teenagers and posts that deal with the topic of the Land of Israel and the Sovereignty vision on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Also In the parliamentary arena: youth promote the issue in Knesset.

The most recent event held by the Sovereignty Youth movement was a Chanukah seminar where dozens of youths from all over the country came to enrich their knowledge of the topic of sovereignty.

The youth heard a variety of presentations from diverse lecturers about ways and means to advance the issue of sovereignty.

In addition, the youth heard TED talks from graduates of the movement about professional ways to promote the activity.

Eliyahu Friedman, chairman of Sovereignty Youth, summarized: "It is exciting to see hundreds of youth from all over the country taking part in the day-to-day activities of Sovereignty Youth, through an understanding that the Land of Israel is not a political issue, but rather a cornerstone of our existence as a people.”

“In my opinion,” he said. “Sovereignty Youth is the future of Israel's leadership. I invite the youth, both boys and girls, to join us and make a meaningful contribution to the Land of Israel.”

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, co-heads of the Sovereignty Movement proclaimed: "Every time we see them, we are simply amazed once again by their strength and motivation, and their clear focus on the path, with no confusion - the Land of Israel."