The Rabbinical Alliance of America — Igud HaRabbonim, representing over 950 American rabbis — calls on the Biden Administration to compel the Jordanian government to extradite Ahlam Ahmad al-Tamimi, the brutal mastermind of the August 9, 2001, Jerusalem Sbarro terror attack that took the life of 15-year-old American, Malkie Roth, together with 14 other innocent people that included 7 children and another 122 people injured.
In 2011, Tamimi was freed from an Israeli prison under the terms of the controversial Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange. She was whisked away to Jordan, where she has been courted ever since by Arab and Western media as some sort of heroic “resistance fighter.”
Despite her vicious crime, Tamimi lives a life of luxury and privilege, thanks to the lucrative salary she receives from Hamas, which is indirectly financed by Western governments who contribute to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). Tamimi has never denied her role in the Sbarro terror attack, and her pride in slaughtering Jews and Americans is on display for anyone to see in her many media appearances.
After a long campaign by the Roths to seek justice for Malkie, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) officially filed charges against Tamimi in 2017, and announced that they would seek her extradition to stand trial in the United States. The FBI also added her to their most wanted list of terrorists.
For those who thought that justice would finally be achieved, Jordan’s reaction was a shock. Despite claiming to be an American ally and having established a mutual extradition treaty with the US in 1995, the Jordanian government denied the request, claiming that the treaty has not been ratified in their parliament.
Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik, executive vice-president of the Rabbinical Alliance of America, on behalf of his organization calls on the Biden administration to press Jordan to extradite Ahlam Ahmad al-Tamimi, including the withholding of aid to Jordan to encourage compliance with its extraction request. This demand would be in harmony with the “Further Consolidated Appropriations Act 2020,” which was signed into law on December 20, 2019. Section 7055 of the act provides for financial consequences for Jordan if the case is not handled properly.
Mirocznik further stated, “As Americans we must seek justice for our murdered citizens and prevent the likes of the notorious terrorist and cold-blooded murder, Ahlam Ahmad al-Tamimi, from avoiding the bar of justice and living the life of luxury and privilege in Jordan. This brutal killer must be held accountable for the murder of Malkie Roth, an innocent 15-year-old American teenager. Malkie Roth was deprived of life due to the heinous acts of a cold-blooded, barbaric individual who does not value life. As Americans, we call upon the Biden Administration to insist that Jordan honor their treaty and extradite Tamimi to stand trial and be held accountable for this brutal killing.”
Mirocznik continued, “as Americans, we must make certain that American taxpayer money is not used by Hamas and Jordan to reward a heinous criminal like Ahlam Ahmad al-Tamimi for killing Malkie Roth. The blood of this innocent American teenager demands justice. How can it be that an American family loses a child and the terrorist criminal publicly lives a life of luxury? Therefore, the Rabbinical Alliance of America calls on all peace-loving people to insist that the United States of America prevent our money from being spent to reward the killers of Americans and ensure that such expenditures terminate immediately.”