Tzohar rabbis receive unexpected support

Ministry of Religious Services: Tzohar team among top experts and professionals in field.

The organization's office
The organization's officeNo credit

A joint working meeting held this week between the Ministry of Religious Services' Rabbinate and Marriage Department Director Rabbi Hizkiyahu Samin, and Shoham Municipal Rabbi and Tzohar Chairman Rabbi David Stav continues the organization's cooperation with the Ministry.

Duriing the meeting, the two rabbis spoke about ways to continue improving the service offered in the Ministry's offices and encourage people to reigster for marriage through the Ministry itself. Statistics from Tzohar rabbis show that the organization continues to help raise the number of Israeli Jews registering for marriage.

Participating in a meeting held this week in Tzohar's offices in Lod were the Ministry's internal supervisor Nitzan Miller and members of the Ministry's Marriage and Rabbinate Department's Inspections Committee.

Rabbi Stav showed attendees the process in which people register for marriage and open a file for marriage, while noting that the organization has seen a rise in the number of people it helps apply for marriage.

Impressed with Tzohar's activiites, Rabbi Samin praised the organization's in-depth knowledge of the policies and their activities in the area: "Tzohar's activities have great importance, since they speak to many communities and do not compromise on even small things."

A summative report reads: "From a thorough examination of the processes to register for marriage through Tzohar at the [organization's] main branch in Lod and the Shoham Local Council, and from conversations held by Committee members with Rabbi David Stav and the other rabbis and with those [in the organization] who handle marriage portfolios, on the subject of ordinances and the Chief Rabbis' instructions for registering for marriage and the instructions and guidelines of the Ministry for Religious Services, it is apparent that all those handling these issues are among the top experts and professionals in the field. These marriage files are perfect and amazingly organized. The service is excellent and the feeling and general atmosphere is that this is done out of a sense of mission."

At the end of the tour, which helped increase cooperation between the organization and Ministry of Religious Services, Rabbi Stav thanked the Ministry representatives and praised the fruitful cooperation between his organization and the Ministry.

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