A Jewish couple, tourists from Paris, burst into the office of the shift manager at the Haifa Merkaz-Hashmona train station yesterday, saying they had lost a bundle of 4,200 euros on their way to visit their daughter, a new immigrant from France who lives in Netanya.
The money was for their grandson's wedding, to take place in a few days.
The shift manager, Meir Abergil, launched an extensive search operation and used all the railway communications systems for all the inspectors and station crews in the north. After a few minutes, the lost item was located at the Hutzot Hamifratz station, where the couple had boarded. The money was transferred under guard to Haifa Merkaz-Hashmona and was handed over to the couple.
"We are residents of Paris who visit Israel every several months and stay in Kiryat Ata,” Avraham Turgeman related. “Yesterday morning we set out for Netanya to bring the wedding gift to my grandson, a new immigrant from France. On the way we discovered that the money had been lost and we immediately got off at the Haifa Merkaz-Hashmona station and told the shift manager, who did everything he could to locate the loss and return it to us. I thank the train crew for saving the wedding gift. "
Abergil said, "I am happy that I was able to locate and save the wedding gift. I was excited most of all when the couple gave me a special blessing in Moroccan: ‘La Ittak Erda Yabnini,’ which means may you be healthy and may all your wishes come to fruition.”