Avia Shabo, who lost her mother and three brothers when a terrorist invaded their home in Itamar in 2002, married on Sunday her stepbrother, David Susan – the son of the woman whom her father married five years ago.
The couple, who got engaged in February, was married by the Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau.
The Shabo family's tragedy took place on June 20, 2002, during the Palestinian Authority’s terror war against Jewish civilians (known as the "Second Intifada" or "Oslo War").
An armed terrorist entered Itamar and began firing at people indiscriminately. When he reached the Shabo family home, he broke in and murdered Rachel Shabo (40) and three of her seven children, Neria (15), Tzvika (12) and Avishai (5). Avia and another brother, Asael, were injured.
Yosi Tuito (40), who was the commander of Itamar's emergency response team, was also shot to death when he arrived at the Shabo home. IDF and Border Police forces succeeded in extricating the two wounded children under fire. The terrorist was shot and killed.
Boaz Shabo, Avia’s father, remarried five years ago, to Hila, who has five children of her own. The two made their home in Kedumim and in 2009, Hila gave birth to triplets.
One of the participants at the wedding told Arutz Sheva that the event was very exciting and was a kind of closure for the family.
"It was special to see the parents accompanying the groom and then those same parents accompanying the bride. The triplets are siblings of both the groom and the bride. It was exciting to see Asael, who lost his leg in the terror attack, dancing along with everyone and even carrying his brother on his shoulders. It was a special event,” said the participant.