Recent rallies in Hamas-controlled Gaza featured speakers shouting, “Bin Laden shattered Crosses” and “America is the enemy of Allah.” Footage of the rallies in memory of the Al-Qaeda terrorist leader was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
Several western countries have said that Hamas should be recognized as a"peace partner" because it has joined the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority government, headed by Mahmoud Abbas.
But at recent rallies in Gaza, Sheikh Munir Al-'Aydi told crowds that "This blessed man, Osama, Allah's mercy upon him, has given his money and his soul for the Jihad for the sake of Allah. At a time when real men are few, he united the nation around monotheism… That man Osama thwarted the American plan in this region, and did what no man has ever done before, especially in our times….
"That is the man who brandished his weapon to fight the enemies of Allah. He led the Global Front for Jihad against America and its allies, the worshippers of the cross. He rightfully earned the title of the imam of our times.
"That is the man who shattered the crosses. That is the man who brought the Americans to their knees. That is the man who humiliated the hypocrites in the East and West. That [is the] man through whom Allah distinguished men of truth from men of falsehood.
"You are not dead, oh Osama. You live on in the hearts of us all. Osama lives on in the heart of every man. All our sons are Osama. Our entire nation is Osama."