Village in southern Lebanon
Village in southern LebanonIsrael news photo: Flash 90

The Hizbullah terrorist organization has an arsenal bigger than that of most countries, according to outgoing U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

The Lebanon-based terrorist group has at least 550 bunkers, 300 surveillance sites and 100 other bases, according to a map publicized two months ago by Israel.

According to the map produced by Israel's military intelligence, one of the bunkers is even located inside a mosque. “Our interest is to show the world that the Hizbullah organization has turned these villages into fighting zones,” a senior military commander told the newspaper.

“Hizbullah cruise missiles could threaten U.S. ships with anti-ship missiles with a range of 65 miles,” Gates told a gathering at the American Enterprise Institute on Wednesday.

He warned that the terrorist group may also have acquired biological and chemical weapons, according to CNN.