Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Rabbi Jonathan SacksReuters

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The Meaning of Sukkot and the Sukkah

Take a few moments to click on the play button above and watch a powerful clip of Rabbi Sacks zt"l talking about the meaning of Sukkot and the Sukkah.

This was recorded in September 2016 in a shiur he delivered to mark the launch of the Koren Sacks Sukkot machzor. If you are interested, you can watch the shiur in full here.

Here are some links to other articles and videos of interest from the archive on Sukkot:

  • Sukkot For Our Time (an extract from the Koren Sacks Sukkot machzor): "Of all the festivals, Sukkot is surely the one that speaks most powerfully to our time. Kohelet could almost have been written in the twenty-first century."
  • The Festival of Insecurity: "What is a Sukkah? What is it supposed to represent? The question is essential to the mitzvah itself."
  • Sukkot: The Dual Festival (a Covenant & Conversation essay for parsha Emor): "Emor outline the festivals that give the rhythm and structure to the Jewish year. Examining them carefully, however, we see that Sukkot is unusual, unique."
  • A Nail of Faith: Here is a short video where Rabbi Sacks spoke about what he learned from his first experience building a Sukkah.

Received from The Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust