Definition of anti-Semitism and anti-Semite
Definition of anti-Semitism and anti-SemiteiStock

A number of anti-Semitic incidents were reported this week both in Europe and in the United States.

In Coeur d'Alene, the capital city of Kutney County in the state of Idaho in the United States, the memorial to Anne Frank was destroyed. The rioters also destroyed a tree marking the memory of Anne Frank and in another case in the town of Immenstadt if Allegau, Germany, was vandalized with a "F*** YAHUDIS" sign

These incidents follow on the heels of many other reported anti-Semitic hate crimes in which Jews were accused of spreading the coronavirus epidemic.

Vice Chairman of the World Zionist Organization Yaacov Hagoel responded to the events, saying:
"Incitement against Jews across the world is rising every year. We demand that governments in all countries make their voices heard in the fight against anti-Semitism. Jews should be able to walk in any city of the world with their heads held high and feel proud to be Jews."