
A photography business in Tel Aviv has developed a phone camera that can create crisp images even when the camera is zoomed in. This dual-lens camera also produces impressively defined, reduced noise images in low light. When first brought out, experts in the industry claimed that Corephotonics’s camera has the potential to revolutionise smartphone photography, changing the way we take pictures on our phones for good.

By using two lenses in the phone photography technology, the phone camera takes both a wide angle and fixed-focus shot. These two images are then merged together to create an evolved, crisper, and clearer photo that is of a higher quality than some digital cameras.

Corephotonics was established in 2012, by a team of entrepreneurs; Professor David Mendlovic, Dr. Gal Shabtay, Dr. Noy Cohen, Mr. Eran Kali and Mr Ephraim Goldenberg. The company have claimed itself to become “the pioneer and worldwide market leader of dual camera technologies for mobile devices.”

The company claimed the “Corephotonics Image Fusion Library is a cutting edge processing solution which produces superb image quality. The effective resolution at all magnifications transcends even that of mechanical optical zoom” and further that:

“The absence of optical zoom in compact camera is a major photographic handicap when comparing camera phones to digital stills cameras. During recent years, true optical zoom has not become widely available due to cost, size, volatility and quality of existing solutions. Therefore, a truly viable optical zoom will have great importance for camera phone photography”.

Corephotonics technology promises to not only create great quality images on a mobile phone when using the zoom feature, but for these images to transcend the quality of zoomed images taken on P&S (point-and-shoot) digital cameras.

The photography company aim to address the most difficult challenges facing smartphone photography, striving to perfect the technology for mobile phone cameras. Since their launch, the company have developed solutions to help boost the capabilities of mobile camera photography, including being the first in designing this innovative zoom on the dual-lens camera.

It is something that could be used by everyday phone users and even high end London fashion photographers.

Earlier this year, Corephonotics was acquired by Samsung in January 2019 for $155 million. What the future holds for the photography tech business is yet to be determined. However, what can be said is that the future is looking bright, as its technology is now bought by one of the major figures in mobile phone technology, competing with the likes of Apple and Android.