United States Energy Secretary Rick Perry took questions during his Israel visit Monday, among them regarding his opinion of President Donald Trump's criticizing four Democratic Congresswomen for statements and actions hostile to the United States and Israel.

"I'll give you my read on it, for purposes of clarity here: In September of 2014 I gave a fairly lengthy speech in London at the Royal Uniformed Service Institute about anti-Semitism. So from my perspective, what the President is saying - whether it's to a member of the Congress or whether it's to a citizen of the Untied States or anywhere else - you need to be really careful about statements that create a sense of anti-Semitism. Wherever it may be in the world."

Secretary Perry continued: "And I think that from my perspective that's what the President is saying. Don't create a climate with your rhetoric that's either clearly or that can be construed as anti-Semitic."