Reading Megilla in Joshua's Tomb
Reading Megilla in Joshua's TombSamarian Regional Council

Dozens of Jews converged on the tomb of the biblical prophet Joshua on Purim eve for the traditional reading of Megillat Ester (The Book of Esther) on Wednesday evening.

Kifl Hares, which has been identified as the site of the Biblical town of Timnath Hares, is near the Israeli city of Ariel in central Samaria, and is located in part in Area B, under Palestinian Authority civil administration. The remainder of the village is in Area C, under full Israeli control.

Accompanied by IDF soldiers, revelers sang traditional Jewish songs and celebrated the holiday of Purim outside of the tomb. "We will be strengthened, and the government of Israel will be as strong as Joshua so that we can hold on to the land and settle it," one participant told Srugim website."

Samarian Regional Council Chairman Yossi Dagan thanked the IDF for securing the worshipper's visit "on this special day". The IDF arranges special visits to Joshua's Tomb every four months and works in close cooperation with the local Jewish communities in order to arrange their safety.