PA police officer
PA police officerFlash 90

As Israel begins elections for the 20th Knesset, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has warned that terror group Hamas may take the day to surprise the Jewish state with an attack. 

The PA estimated Monday that Hamas would specifically choose election day to carry out an attack, Channel Ten reported. As a preemptive measure, the PA's security forces scaled the areas of Judea and Samaria they control with widespread arrests. 

In addition to their security efforts, the PA also took the opportunity to espouse the Joint Arab List and note their desire for a change in Israel's leadership.

"It's no secret that we prefer Israel to have a revolution," an official in the Palestinian Authority said, echoing language often used by Labor leader Yitzhak Herzog. 

Another non-secret is the PA's encouragement of Israeli Arabs to choose the Joint Arab List on Tuesday. 

The PA's television broadcasts are calling on that 20% of Israel's population to leave their homes and vote for the three united Arab parties of Balad, Hadash, and the United Arab List, now under the leadership of Ayman Odeh.