Mitt Romney
Mitt RomneyIsrael news photo: Flash 90

In contrast to college students in the U.S., college students in Israel prefer to see Mitt Romney as President of the United States over incumbent Barack H. Obama – by a wide margin. According to the poll, 64% of Israeli college and university students want Romney to win Tuesday's election.

Only 36% said they believed Obama would make a better choice as president.

The poll was conducted by Ariel University, and used a scientifically chosen sample of students in colleges and universities throughout the country.

The poll of Israeli students contrasted sharply with a poll of American college students, released this week. The poll of 2,100 students said that 56.3% of female college students favored Obama, compared to 21.4 percent of who favored Romney. Among men, 52% said they wanted Obama to win, 26.2% said they preferred Romney.

An informal poll of residents of Egypt and Jordan by CNN found that most people in those countries wanted to see Obama win. In a segment broadcast on CNN Tuesday, a network reporter, speaking to numerous residents of Cairo, found nearly wall-to-wall support for Obama.