The number of Israelis who surf the Internet from work or home has surpassed the number of radio listeners for the first time, according to the yearly survey by TGI. The survey covered the year between July 2008 and June 2009.

The survey showed that the Internet now has an exposure of 76.8 percent on weekdays, while the radio enjoys only 76.1 percent exposure. The newspapers lag behind with 61.3 percent exposure.

Radio exposure has remained stable at about the 76 percent mark over the last 18 months. In previous years, the exposure to radio was on the decline.

The percentage of the population that listens to Voice of Israel government radio went up from 42.1 percent to 43 percent, while regional radio stations lost listeners and declined from 34.9 percent to 33.5 percent. The two Army Radio stations also declined slightly, from 45.3 percent to 44.9 percent. While Galgalatz (the all-music IDF station) rose by 1.4 percent to 28.2 percent, Army Radio went down 1.5 percent to 25.4 percent.

The most popular radio station is Reshet Bet, whose current events programs recorded a sharp (46.5 percent) rise in listeners aged 18 to 29.