The media have been very busy the last few weeks crying their outrage for the indifference of the public that did not see, did not report and did not try to save the little innocent child, Rose, z.l., who was abused, neglected and

How can Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declare that it is unthinkable for citizens to try and take the law into their own hands?

brutally murdered.

In the early hours of Shabbat morning, a terrorist entered a Jewish community, broke into a home and, finding it empty, began to burn it down. A neighbor smelling the smoke sent one of his children outside to check on what the smell of smoke was coming from. This nine-year-old child was stabbed five times by a terrorist and then thrown several meters down the ravine; only by a miracle were the injuries not critical. The terrorist then fled to the nearby Arab village.

Yes, some of the residents of Yitzhar went to the village and reacted to the attempted murder. Yes, they were unable to sit quietly and allow innocent people, innocent children, be murdered. But because these outraged citizens of Israel are residents of Yitzhar, they are called "extremists" or "extreme rightists."

It is actually incredible the double standard on human life that the media holds. If a Jew murders another Jew, this is a horrible crime that society must be held accountable for, but if a Jew tries to prevent murders by Arab terrorists, then we are extreme rightists and dangerous.

The headline proclaiming that the military is concerned about the deterioration of the situation and the violence of Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria must wake us up. We cannot sit quietly while the media directs a public lynch campaign against us, and against our fundamental right to live safely in our homes and communities and to respond to threats against us. How can Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declare that it is unthinkable for citizens to try and take the law into their own hands when he is both releasing terrorists and not doing anything to protect the citizens of Israel?

The ominous silence of the Israeli media and the Israeli public while the government continues to release murderers, terrorists and grant pathetic gestures to Abu Mazen - in order to strengthen the supposedly "moderate" Arabs, when everyone knows that this will lead to yet more victims of terror - is appalling. On the other hand, when we, the Jewish pioneers in Judea and Samaria respond to violence directed against us, we are labeled extremists or dangerous. The real danger is the terror directed against all of us as Jewish residents of Israel, whether in Sderot, Ashkelon or Yitzhar.

The lack of response from the governments of Israel to missile attacks, bus bombings and repeated murders of innocent Jewish citizens of Israel must finally wake us up. We cannot afford to sit quietly while members of this decadent, criminal government plan yet another stage of deception, of "uprooting and compensation" of decent, law-abiding citizens of Israel, in order to strengthen our enemies and hand over yet more vital areas of our country. We have not forgotten the web of lies concerning compensation for our families who were uprooted from their lives, and who have yet to rebuild a permanent residency and community.

Missile attacks, bus bombings and repeated murders of innocent Jewish citizens of Israel must finally wake us up.

The last time a government of Israel implemented the "determined and sensitive" plan of the uprooting of our families and destruction of Jewish communities, we saw the outcome: the rise of Hamas and the base of terror that replaced Gush Katif, turning the entire southern Israel into a target for their murderous attacks.

We must never be afraid to defend our lives or the lives of our children because of the warped, pro-Arab media and the corruption of the misdirected, weak government. We must continue to make every effort to ensure the protection of our lives, our communities and our very existence as Jewish people in a Jewish State. It must never be taken for granted that our existence here cannot be shaken by the evil forces from within as well as those from outside. The brave determination of a nine-year-old boy against a terrorist who was stabbing him repeatedly must be the symbol and direction we take - not to give in, not to be afraid of protecting our lives and the lives of those we love; and to continue to settle, live in and protect our beloved Land.