?The L-rd said to Moses, ?Assemble seventy of Israel?s elders - the ones you know to be the people?s elders and leaders. Bring them to the Communion Tent, and let them stand there with you.?? (Numbers 11:16)

Rashi explains that the elders referred to here were not those who accompanied Moses and Aaron in their delegation to Pharaoh. Those first elders backed out before Moses and Aaron reached Pharaoh, and they were ultimately punished, dying in the Burning Fire (Numbers 11:1). Rather, these elders were the Israelite foremen appointed to oversee the Israelites? hard labors in Egypt. Because they took mercy on the Israelites, they were ?flogged by the Egyptians.? (Exodus 5:14) Therefore, since they shared in the nation?s suffering, sacrificing themselves on behalf of the Jewish People, they were now appointed its leaders.

In every generation, there are Jews who sacrifice their lives for the sake of the Jewish People and share in the nation?s suffering. The merit from their self-sacrifice and suffering protects the Jewish People. It was that way with the smitten foremen, and the same occurred during the first and second Temple periods. Leadership always sprang forth from amongst the heroes of the nation such as Samson, David, Matityahu, etc. Also, the leaders of the nascent Jewish State were people who had devoted themselves to its establishment and survival. In our times, as well, most of the present political leadership have emerged from the command staff of the IDF, those who work towards the public good, daily fighting for the state?s survival.

Today, the residents of Judea and Samaria, our brethren, heroes of renown, literally risk their lives, facing enormous dangers on a daily, even hourly basis. It is they who are holding on to the land of our life?s blood with their fingernails. They benefit the whole Jewish People, ensuring the survival of the State of Israel. They man the front against Arab terrorists, whose goal it is to conquer Jerusalem and to liquidate the State of Israel - it will never be! Presently, they are under attack, even from within, by people of little intellect and of little faith in the value of Eretz Yisrael and the significance of the Jewish People?s rebirth in their Biblical Lands, not only for the Jewish People, but for the whole world.

These Jews are marvelous people who benefit the masses. They are amongst those who bear insult without slinging insults in return. They hear themselves denigrated without responding. They act out of love and rejoice in suffering. Of them, Scripture states, ?They that love Him shall be as the sun when it goes forth in all its might.? (Judges 5:31)

They are the ones worthy to lead, and they will lead our country onward and upward along the difficult, winding path to complete redemption, soon in our day. Amen.


Rabbi Dov Begon is founder and head of Machon Meir institutions.

Machon Meir is an Israeli educational institution and Hesder yeshiva dedicated to Jewish learning BeAhava UveEmunah (with Love and in Faith), in the spirit of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, the late Chief Rabbi of the Land of Israel. Students at Machon Meir, Israelis and new immigrants, come from religious and non-religious backgrounds, and learn in Hebrew, English or Russian. The Machon can be contacted through its website, http://www.machonmeir.org.il.