Netanyahu, It's Time for an Authentic Jewish Response
Netanyahu, It's Time for an Authentic Jewish Response

Mr. Prime Minister, why do you waste your time running to the West to try to prove Hamas kidnapped our boys? Do you really think they care? Do you see how weak you look when you do that? 

Why, oh why do we always threaten a harsh response when something like this happens and then back down because of international pressure or because of Ramadan or some other craven excuse? 

We might have had the boys home already, Mr. Prime Minister! And you know it. All it takes is a simple text message to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh: "Free our boys now or you die". What would that coward do? Decide to suddenly become a martyr? Great. Lather, rinse and repeat to his replacements. Then lather, rinse and repeat to their replacements. All the way down to the roots. Until either they are completely decimated and demoralized or we get our boys back. Either way, we win. But we lack two little ingredients: courage and faith.

When will we stop with this defeatist strategy of trying to be understood by a cynical and indifferent world? Let us be feared instead. Learn from our history: Kind David said: "I will pursue my enemies, and overtake them. I will not leave any of them alive". Only King David brought real peace to Israel - where his predecessor, Saul, for all his kindness to the cruel, ended up being cruel to the kind and took his own life.

Mr. Prime Minister, why are you waiting for Obama and the EU and Russia to box us in completely on Iran? We all know that the only thing Obama, Ashton and Putin really care about is preventing Israel from having a viable future. 

Why bother trying to garner international attention? It’s only brought us trouble. Instead we could have taken care of the Iranian threat quietly and directly - with no talk and no warnings. One or two EMP devices and it would have been finished while the rest of the world was rubbing their eyes. Instead - we warn, we threaten, and we get the international community to act - AGAINST US!

Now we’re up against an Iran shortly to be bolstered by an internationally ratified agreement. 

Is this what we waited 2000 years for? So the world’s most advanced military can knock politely on doors in the middle of the night asking if we can have our boys back?
Do it Bibi. Stop waiting. Stop over-calculating. Stop counting on our so called friends who don't give a damn. Fear no man. Do everything it takes so that the Arabs will be terrified to touch a single Jewish child ever again. It's not impossible. It's what history demands of us. It's what G-d demands of us.

Yes, I’ll say it. It’s a Chillul Hashem (desecration of G-d's Name)  that we have to turn to G-d to bring back our boys as if we were helpless nothings! Hashem must be exasperated with us already. “Look”, He must be saying. “Didn't I give you a state of your own? A powerful army? Outstanding military technology? Why aren’t you using the tools I gave you?”

Is this what we waited 2000 years for? So the world’s most advanced military can knock politely on doors in the middle of the night asking if we can have our boys back?

But not, G-d forbid, during Ramadan - because that might disturb their well-earned holiday break. And the kids have got to get up early tomorrow for their Hamas summer camp on the Temple Mount so they can take 3-fingered selfie salutes and spit on some more Jews.

Let’s be honest with ourselves, here. Have we really performed the necessary level of human effort required? Or are we kidding ourselves (and sinning) by relying to some extent on a miracle?

Look at what we look like, man! Is this how King David would have acted? Is this how Bar Kochba would have behaved? Is this what Herzl envisioned? Is this what Begin would have been proud of?   

Turn the tables on our enemies, Bibi. Stand up and act. Fast. With no fear. Never again. For our sake. For Hashem's sake. For our children's sake.

Binyamin Netanyahu, fulfill our great-grandfather, Jacob's prophecy: “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf. In the morning he devours his prey. In the evening he divides the plunder.” Implement an authentic Jewish response. Now.