Should you be angry at Ezekiel for this week's Haftorah?
The problem isn’t the Jews in Israel. The problem is the Jews outside of it.
The problem isn’t the Jews in Israel. The problem is the Jews outside of it.
Our generation did not merit a prophecy that explains what unleashed God’s terrible wrath in the midst of our chag. However, we can learn.
The Satah Litton z'l mid- month Emunah Essay: If we dream as Yaakov and Yosef did, perhaps that is already 1/60th of prophecy.
The 7 Haftarot of Consolation from Isaiah are his magnificent prophecies of the halcyon days to come, in our return en masse to the Land.
The prophecy from the past week and for this week will tell you where happiness is found. And it is not in demonstrations.
The historical and psychological meaning of Ezekiel's Vision
Israel's first Chief Rabbi: By examining the Olah service, we can gain insight into the prophetic experience.
The Talmud says a person should envision that the master of what he is learning stands before him. Rav Soloveitchik describes doing so.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could simply talk to God, ask God Himself why the sky is blue or why bad things happen to good people?