News and updates about Zoom


IDF officer accused of espionage had psych exam by Zoom

An IDF officer accused of serious espionage in a security case was reportedly psychiatrically examined only through a Zoom call.

IDF officer accused of espionage had psych exam by Zoom

Iowa statehouse may cancel Zoom meetings due to neo-Nazi trolls

After latest incident, in which user appeared in meeting waving swastika, Iowa statehouse considers ending virtual access to lawmakers.

Iowa statehouse may cancel Zoom meetings due to neo-Nazi trolls

Zoom to lay off 15 percent of its staff

The platform became a household name during the COVID-19 pandemic but has seen customers cutting back on spending.

Zoom to lay off 15 percent of its staff

Orthodox activist hunting down flasher who crashed live chat

A serial flasher crashed a live chat with Orthodox women. Now its influencer organizer is sleuthing him out.

Orthodox activist hunting down flasher who crashed live chat

In Ohio, ‘zoombombing’ a religious service can now net jail time

Ohio criminalizes 'zoombombing' church, synagogue, and other religious services, thanks in part to lobbying by Jewish community.

In Ohio, ‘zoombombing’ a religious service can now net jail time

Divorce Refuser:

Recalcitrant husband outed after Zoom slipup reveals location

Man who refused to grant his wife a divorce accidently revealed his location during Zoom meeting -leading to him being barred from traveling

Recalcitrant husband outed after Zoom slipup reveals location

Watch: Biden displays ‘puzzling’ behavior after COVID isolation

The President fumbled with a speech, ignored reporters, and struggled with a Zoom meeting, forgetting to turn off 'Mute'.

Watch: Biden displays ‘puzzling’ behavior after COVID isolation

Postcard from Tzfat, the antidote to Zoom

We’re much happier when we connect in person, and communities come alive when their members come together. Opinion.

Postcard from Tzfat, the antidote to Zoom

Zoom cuts ties with Israeli cyber co. over spyware allegations

Beleagured NGO Group now faces bankruptcy, according to Moody's; NGO Group denies.

Zoom cuts ties with Israeli cyber co. over spyware allegations

UK synagogue 'Zoombombed' with swastikas, anti-Semitic imagery

Manchester synagogue was the victim of an online attack by anti-Semites who displayed swastikas and shouted hateful statements.

UK synagogue 'Zoombombed' with swastikas, anti-Semitic imagery

Tzomet okays virtual participation in Selichot prayers

Ruling is limited to live broadcasts, does not include satellite link or recordings.

Tzomet okays virtual participation in Selichot prayers

NY college Zoom course hijacked by anti-Semitic student protest

Hunter College CUNY course turned into pro-Palestinian anti-Israel protest by majority of students and a prof who spout anti-Semitic tropes.

NY college Zoom course hijacked by anti-Semitic student protest

New policy by Zoom app lets colleges police themselves

Policy put in place after American Association of University Professors launched complaint due to Leila Khaled event being cancelled.

New policy by Zoom app lets colleges police themselves

Low rate of COVID infection in religious-Zionist yeshivas

Around 28,000 tests conducted in last few months; just 34 active virus cases as of last week.

Low rate of COVID infection in religious-Zionist yeshivas


Ariel Youth holds virtual gathering with Swiss Jewish community

Virtual Melaveh Malka with Jewish community in Lausanne, Switzerland, at initiative of Diaspora Minister Omar Yankelevich.

Ariel Youth holds virtual gathering with Swiss Jewish community

Living from home: The COVID Venus fly trap

The comforts of living 'from home', needed now, can trap us into lessening our face to face social interactions later. Op-ed.

Living from home: The COVID Venus fly trap

Dozens of Chabad emissaries spent Shabbat in Lubavitch, Russia

Due to the pandemic, annual Conference of Emissaries at 770 was held via Zoom, with smaller gatherings all over the world joining together.

Dozens of Chabad emissaries spent Shabbat in Lubavitch, Russia

A tale of two weddings

Young people willing to undertake to build homes that will be loyal to tradition and Jewish values, is itself most joyful, Zoom and all.

A tale of two weddings

Hamas releases three arrested for Zoom conference with Israelis

Gaza’s Hamas authorities release three Palestinian Arabs who were jailed for holding an online video conference with Israeli participants.

Hamas releases three arrested for Zoom conference with Israelis

Zoom bans San Francisco event featuring anti-Israel terrorist

San Francisco State University event giving platform to convicted PFLP terrorist Leila Khaled barred from using Zoom's broadcast services.

Zoom bans San Francisco event featuring anti-Israel terrorist

Zoom selichot services for interrupted by Holocaust imagery

Several people Zoom bomb pre-Rosh Hashannah selichot services with anti-Semitic imagery and statements.

Zoom selichot services for interrupted by Holocaust imagery

Texas man charged for threatening students during 'Zoom-bomb'

19-year-old Texas man facing charges of threatening an attack on University of Houston after "Zoom-bombed" online class and praising ISIS.

Texas man charged for threatening students during 'Zoom-bomb'

‘Zoombombing,’ outages and privacy concerns

‘Zoombombing,’ outages and privacy concerns - why your business should consider Zoom alternatives

‘Zoombombing,’ outages and privacy concerns

All zoomed out

Our Sages characterized it best by saying that a student’s eyes should see his teacher not only when he is teaching but throughout life.

All zoomed out

Friends of United Hatzalah event on anti-Semitism 'Zoombombed'

“It could not be more telling of the current environment, when you can’t even have a conversation about anti-Semitism."

Friends of United Hatzalah event on anti-Semitism 'Zoombombed'

Memorial for Lubavitcher Rebbe becomes largest Zoom event ever

Online event in honor of Lubavitcher Rebbe draws 100,000 people, likely making it the largest Zoom event ever int he world.

Memorial for Lubavitcher Rebbe becomes largest Zoom event ever

Watch: Global prayer from Temple Mount with Christian leaders

Glick: 'USA was always Israel's greatest ally! Now, while our closest friend is going through time of crisis - we will stand by their side!'

Watch: Global prayer from Temple Mount with Christian leaders

NYC 'Celebrate Israel' Parade to be held online

Largest public event to support Israel to be held over ZOOM and not on Fifth Avenue.

NYC 'Celebrate Israel' Parade to be held online

Facebook challenges Zoom

Facebook offers alternative to Zoom, unveils service featuring virtual "rooms" in which people can visit friends.

Facebook challenges Zoom

Neo-Nazis interrupt Torah lessons on 'Zoom'

On Holocaust Memorial Day, neo-Nazis break into online Torah lessons given by German rabbis.

Neo-Nazis interrupt Torah lessons on 'Zoom'