

News and updates about Zionism

A new light on Zion - Rabbi Kook's outlook on the Jewish People

In its military prowess, in the building of Medinat Yisrael, and in the full content of its national life, as well as in the life of each and every individual, Am Yisrael realizes the potential of the unified soul of the Jewish People as a whole.

A new light on Zion - Rabbi Kook's outlook on the Jewish People

Zion is the cure

Imagine where Israel would be now had world Jewry opted out of Museums for dead Jews and opted for investment in living Jews, opting out of institutions and into growing the Heartland of Shomron and Yehudah.

Zion is the cure

Fmr. PM Bennett presents:

The history of Israel in under three minutes

During a talk with students at the University of Michigan, former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett was asked about 'Zionist colonialism,' he answered the question by giving a quick summary of the Zionist story - from Biblical times until today.

The history of Israel in under three minutes

Biden’s Zionism

Every present Republican member of the Senate (except maybe for Rand Paul) is far more supportive of Israel than Joe Biden ever was. Biden is a “lifelong supporter” of a certain type of Israel – docile, concessionary, secular, and deferential to American interests. Op-ed.

Biden’s Zionism

Don't expect the NYT to change its Israe lcoverage

Unrelenting denigration of Zionism and Judaism, stretching across nearly a century, is too deeply embedded to change any time soon, if ever.

Don't expect the NYT to change its Israe lcoverage

Rays of light in a tough war

This is a tough war, but we are winning it, and must raise our heads and see the light. Six reasons to feel good about the situation.Op-ed.

Rays of light in a tough war


Zionism isn’t racism, but Palestinism is

The Palestinian Arab national movement, from the first, has been defined by a racist and murderous hatred for Jews. Op-ed.

Zionism isn’t racism, but Palestinism is

Israel’s ultimate answer to genocidal Palestinian depravity

Can we deal with Palestinian Arab depravity? Op-ed.

Israel’s ultimate answer to genocidal Palestinian depravity

I was you, “Defender of the Palestinians,” and I want to puke

Decades ago the left declared that Israeli settlers were fascists; today all Israelis are deemed fascists who can be blown away. Op-ed.

I was you, “Defender of the Palestinians,” and I want to puke

A prayer for 5784

It is post-Zionism—not Zionism—that guarantees tyranny. There is no contradiction between Jewish and democratic.Op-ed.

A prayer for 5784

The Parsha and Current Events: Lest we forget

What is the fate of Jews today who are already in the galut and refuse to reunite with Yerushalayim and Eretz Yisrael?

The Parsha and Current Events: Lest we forget

Trying to sink the boat: The real story of the Exodus

Maybe reading the story of the Exodus can remind us that our real enemies are waiting for us to sink the ship of the Jewish state. Op-ed

Trying to sink the boat: The real story of the Exodus

The Techeilet Revolution - join the Blue Team!

Ger those blue strings on today!

The Techeilet Revolution - join the Blue Team!


Torah values always come before inclusivity

Our one goal at the Zionist Congress, as the Eretz Hakodesh faction, is fighting for the land's Kedusha and the honor of G-d and Torah.Op-ed

Torah values always come before inclusivity


Can Israel defy sovereign Jewish history?

Multiple efforts in Jewish sovereignty have self-destructed after 75 years. Can Israel defy history — again?

Can Israel defy sovereign Jewish history?


The words of an eyewitness to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

A powerful, short book written by a psychiatrist who chaired the ZZW ghetto fighters and penned the true definition of Zionism. Op-ed.

The words of an eyewitness to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Remembering Chaim Topol

Topol's warned me: Stay away from the Arab-Israel conflict or the champions of ldemocracy will have you blacklisted for your Zionism. Op-ed.

Remembering Chaim Topol

The false prophets of an impending Israeli apocalypse

With dire predictions about the end of democracy, the sore losers to the new government will do even worse in the next election. Op-ed.

The false prophets of an impending Israeli apocalypse

Jewish history matters

Debunking the suicidal “2 State Solution” in the heartland of Israel. Op-ed.

Jewish history matters


CUNY continues its campaign to purge Zionism

The disruption of a panel discussion was antisiemitic activists’ latest attempt to suppress free speech. Op-ed.

CUNY continues its campaign to purge Zionism

No, Zionism isn’t out of date

As a new government is being formed in Israel, it behooves us to remember why. Op-ed.

No, Zionism isn’t out of date

How mothers shaped Israel

The children born to blessedly large Israeli families with strong Jewish identity and pride are becoming the majority. Op-ed.

How mothers shaped Israel

What tipped the scales for Netanyahu?

Israelis voted to win back the country and the sanctity of their Jewish heritage.Op-ed.

What tipped the scales for Netanyahu?

Tisha B’ Av: The day God gave the Jews a reason to cry

The 9th of Av is a day of historic tragedies, but no punishment from God is 100% bad. The 9th of Av is also the day when Zionism began.Op-ed

Tisha B’ Av: The day God gave the Jews a reason to cry


As Biden said, you don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist

The U.S. president understands the deep bonds between our fellow democracies. Op-ed.

As Biden said, you don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist

What the Jewish World needs now

The Parsha and Current Events.

What the Jewish World needs now


Who’s teaching our kids about Israel?

Many Jewish academics have influenced Jewish college students to side with the Palestinian Arabs over Israel. Op-ed.

Who’s teaching our kids about Israel?


I am a Harvard Crimson Editor and I stand with Israel

Integral as The Crimson has been to me, I am first and foremost a Jew; I am a Zionist, and I stand with Israel. Op-ed.

I am a Harvard Crimson Editor and I stand with Israel

A tribute to Irgun Commander Shmuel Katz, an iconic Jewish hero

During these challenging times, the works of Katz, whose Zionism was inspiring and whose words are evidential truth, are a must. Op-ed

A tribute to Irgun Commander Shmuel Katz, an iconic Jewish hero

Diary of a Hilltop Youth

A short story by Tzvi Fishman.

Diary of a Hilltop Youth

The book Ve’zeh D’var HaShmita by Rabbi Yitzchak Yaacov Reines

After the entire manuscript was burned and only an abbreviated pamphlet remained, Rabbi Reines’ book was published by Har Bracha Institute

The book Ve’zeh D’var HaShmita by Rabbi Yitzchak Yaacov Reines

Just another step in the campaign against Zionism

A look at history shows Amnesty’s report is simply part of the century-old Arab struggle against the very existence of a Jewish state.Op-ed.

Just another step in the campaign against Zionism

A survivor receives the gift of home

I knew if I truly wanted to make my people proud, I had to live in the only place where Jews can truly be Jewish—and that is Israel.Op-ed.

A survivor receives the gift of home

Negev riots: Challenge and opportunity

The fight in the Negev is an opportunity for Zionist Israeli society to return to its roots of redemption for the people and the land.Op-ed.

Negev riots: Challenge and opportunity

A Jewish majority is not enough to protect Israel

Today's government has a post-Zionist ethos and agenda. We must stress the Jewish Zionist consensus in schools, media, and politics. Op-ed.

A Jewish majority is not enough to protect Israel

A Zionist paradigm shift

This week's parasha holds the key to understanding practically all of Jewish History in the past 120 years.

A Zionist paradigm shift

Israel's Shifting Society

'Jews, Israelis and Arabs, an Observer's view of Israel's Shifting Society',' a politically incorrect, refreshing look at Israel. Review.

Israel's Shifting Society

Israeli security and policy need to serve settlement

The same descriptions of “complications” ascribed today to settlements in Judea and Samaria were once used to describe Petach Tikvah. Op-ed.

Israeli security and policy need to serve settlement

Zionism imperiled

Immediate overhaul of Israel's political structure is imperative. Most Jewish Israelis vote center-right, but their votes are ignored.Op-ed

Zionism imperiled

Literary intellectuals who pan Israel

James Joyce would not be amused. Op-ed.

Literary intellectuals who pan Israel

Sunrise DC apologizes for boycotting Jews, but denounces Zionism

Washington DC branch of climate change group apologizes for boycotting Jewish groups - but doubles down on opposition to Zionism.

Sunrise DC apologizes for boycotting Jews, but denounces Zionism

The Naqba was justified

When the naqba occurred, and upon looking back at it today, it is clear that it was justified and necessary, but not sufficient. Op-ed.

The Naqba was justified

You will not find them in Berlin

A great man prophesied and his words came to pass. Op-ed.

You will not find them in Berlin

UK train drivers union magazine article calls Zionism ‘racism’

Article in union's monthly magazine by a union secretary also accuses Israel of "apartheid and ethnic cleansing."

UK train drivers union magazine article calls Zionism ‘racism’

Muslim Students Association at Canadian uni wants ban on Zionism

Student association also demands an end to "any club's right to free speech" as Zionism has "many definitions."

Muslim Students Association at Canadian uni wants ban on Zionism

Why Zionism is losing the PR war

Truth is more complicated than slogans. It is easier to believe simple slogans even if they are false. Op-ed.

Why Zionism is losing the PR war

Guardian newspaper removes “Zionism is genocide” photo

Photo showing 90-year old Jewish NYC anti-Israel "mini-celebrity" holding "Zionism is genocide" sign replaced by photo illustration.

Guardian newspaper removes “Zionism is genocide” photo

Jerusalem Day: The two messengers

Prophetic words from Israel's first Chief Rabbi: There are two heralds of the return to our holy city and they bear two different messages.

Jerusalem Day: The two messengers

Guardian calls past support for Jewish homeland historic error

UK newspaper states, "Israel today is not the country the Guardian foresaw or would have wanted,” causing outrage from Jews and Israeli gov.

Guardian calls past support for Jewish homeland historic error

Deri: Our people felt bad for Smotrich, voted Religious Zionism

Shas chairman tells party activists not to come to Jerusalem to celebrate. 'At this rate, Smotrich will get 6-7 seats at our expense.

Deri: Our people felt bad for Smotrich, voted Religious Zionism

Just get yourself free!

Blake Flayton of G. Washington U, has founded the New Zionist Congress to fight for Jewish pride in America. There's a better way. Op-ed.

Just get yourself free!

The forgotten roots of Modern Zionism

It is a misrepresentation of history to state that Zionism was a secular movement and that Orthodox rabbis opposed early Zionism. Op-ed.

The forgotten roots of  Modern Zionism

Jews and Gentile politics

History shows how Jewish political and intellectual movements are systematically corrupted when hijacked by general society. Op-ed.

Jews and Gentile politics

College professor: 'Zionism toxified our schools'

Dylan Rodriguez, a University of California, Riverside professor, claims backlash proves ‘very toxicity’ of Zionism.

College professor: 'Zionism toxified our schools'

Who are the New Zionists in America?

David L. Graizbord talks about his new book: "The New Zionists: Young American Jews, Jewish National Identity, and Israel".

Who are the New Zionists in America?

Unintentional heroes

It was one of the biggest disastrous errors in the history of Zionism. Perhaps that is why as the years went by, it was forgotten.Opinion.

Unintentional heroes

The varied names of Eretz Yisrael

The choice of different names and their use for a person or object conveys love for unique characteristics. So it is with our land.

The varied names of Eretz Yisrael

The Zionist left and the PLO flag - 'from the river to the sea'?

Partners for Progressive Israel used the PLO flag with that message in Arabic, but failed to translate or explain it. Op-ed.

The Zionist left and the PLO flag - 'from the river to the sea'?

To the Esteemed Rabbis of the Agudath Israel of America

The recent "Statement of Agudath Israel of America on Haredi Principles." both profoundly saddens and frightens me. An Open Letter.

To the Esteemed Rabbis of the Agudath Israel of America

Seriously considering the “A” word?

US Jews never envisaged a time when they would need to seriously consider leaving the US and making Israel their permanent home. Op-ed.

Seriously considering the “A” word?