Yom Ha'aliyah:
Israel welcomes over 70 thousand immigrants since November 2021
Over the past decade 6,440 physicians, 2,552 nurses, and 22,400 engineers moved to Israel and 22,000 immigrants enlisted in the IDF.
Over the past decade 6,440 physicians, 2,552 nurses, and 22,400 engineers moved to Israel and 22,000 immigrants enlisted in the IDF.
Jews from English-speaking countries have always contributed to the advancement of Zionism, from Golda Meir to Abba Eban
New Olim land in their historic homeland two days before Israel celebrates all Olim.
Yom HaAliyah was marked on Sunday - and soon it might be an official holiday in Israel.
Proposal for 'Yom Haaliyah' introduced as national celebration of Jewish immigration, enshrining core principle of Aliyah.