Haredi man suspected of not reporting 60,000,000 NIS
Authorities arrest Beitar resident on suspicion of supplying fake tax receipts.
Authorities arrest Beitar resident on suspicion of supplying fake tax receipts.
Arabs go on 3-day shopping spree in duty-free Eilat, buy 450 Similac cans for total of 35,000 NIS.
Tax Authority to charge VAT on local sales by international-based online firms such as Google and Facebook. Fair, or bad for business?
The government made two major compromises with its coalition partners in order to ensure that the state budget is passed by Wednesday.
Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel claims that Cabinet was not alerted about the VAT reduction before the budget was set.
Israel's sales tax to drop by 1% for consumers and 1.5% for companies. PM: 'We chose to return the money to you, the citizens of Israel.'
Israeli Arab who tried to get out of paying millions in taxes by absconding to Palestinian Authority was retrieved, and sent to jail.
Shas has succeeded in 'rolling back the clock' on many of the 'edicts' from the previous government, its coalition agreement shows.
As of June 30, there were 94,450 homes and apartments under construction in Israel; by August 31, 26,920 were still unsold.
Netanyahu suspends discussion on controversial bill until budget deal worked out, in push on Lapid to back defense spending.
New home sales were down 10% in March, as Israelis were holding off on buying homes in the wake of a plan to cut VAT payments.
Finance Minister Yair Lapid is out to set an example - and ease the burden on small business in Israel.
Yair Lapid's ideas on eliminating value-added tax (VAT) payments is already bringing home prices down, as buyers hold out for a better deal.
Finance Minister defends VAT discount for young couples, says state willing to sacrifice for citizens who serve the nation.
Cutting VAT on apartments is nice, but there are better ways that Yair Lapid can help the middle class, says one consumer group.
Not extending a VAT discount for first time home buyers in hareidi communities is not discriminatory, the Treasury said.
Housing Minister Uri Ariel on Tuesday said that he would support eliminating VAT for first-time apartment buyers, provided it applied to all
Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman pushes VAT exemption for young apartment buyers, IDF vets; also subsidized daycare.
The preferred way for a Jewish state to raise money from its citizens is through income taxes, not sales taxes, says expert.
Deri: The ‘everyday Israelis’ Lapid loves to mention are all suffering, thanks to new economic decrees.
Finance Minister skips a vote on the rise in the VAT, raising the ire of the opposition.
Labor head slams Lapid’s plan to raise the VAT as “coward’s tax,” proposes an alternative.
MK Nisan Slomiansky asks Finance Minister to change plan to update VAT Friday at midnight.
Government plans cuts to keep deficit under control. How will cuts impact average Israeli?
The VAT tax increase is absolutely necessary for the health of the Israeli economy, officials said
Prime Minister Netanyahu criticized following decision to raise VAT, cut budgets for government ministries.
Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer on Wednesday declared his support for raising Israel's Value Added Tax (VAT) by at least 1%
National Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau has called for an end to the VAT on water saying its is a "tax on a basic need for survival."
Transportation prices going up: Gas to hit record high on Jan. 1, giving Israel the 5th highest in the world, and bus prices will rise by 3%.
New customs levy on all packages from overseas will be imposed at the beginning of 2011.
Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz has decided to reduce value-added tax (VAT) by half a percent at the beginning of 2010. The new rate will be 16%,.
Produce vendors warned Monday that if the VAT tax on their goods rises by one percent, Prime Minister Netanyahu is as good as dead politically.