Saudi Arabia narrowly misses seat on UNHRC
Amid concerns over its human rights record, Saudi Arabia falls seven votes short in its bid to secure a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council. It was previously elected to the UNHRC in 2013.
Amid concerns over its human rights record, Saudi Arabia falls seven votes short in its bid to secure a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council. It was previously elected to the UNHRC in 2013.
Israel’s Ambassador to the UN met with Sigrid Kaag, United Nations Humanitarian and Construction Coordinator for the Gaza Strip, after she assumed office.
The United Nations current approach, which rewards terror and overlooks human rights abuses, perpetuates violence against Israel. Op-ed.
Canada's Ambassador to the United Nations says there are many ways to hold Iran accountable - with or without its cooperation.
American Jewish Committee thanks Germany and Iceland for being leading voices calling for session to discuss regime's human rights abuses.
Canadian advocacy org also urges appointment of ‘effective high commissioner’ who would return focus to legitimate human rights issues.
United Nations Human Rights Council votes 33-2 to launch inquiry into alleged violations committed by Russian troops in Ukraine.
Israel backs anti-Russia resolution in UN, condemning Russian invasion of Ukraine and killing of civilians.
Biden names Atlanta Jewish leader as envoy to UN Human Rights Council.
Former US President Donald Trump withdrew the US from the UNHRC in 2018, citing its longstanding anti-Israel bias.
Haley wonders why the Biden WH is asking the UN to investigate "the freest country in the world" instead of nations without human rights.
Following UN Human Rights Council session, Wiesenthal Centre speaks out against 'inquisition' against Israel.
The United Nations continues to single out Israel for vilification, but some Western countries are beginning to wake up. Opinion.
United Nations Human Rights Council adopts report accusing Israel of war crimes during clashes with rioters on Gaza border.
Britain joins US in slamming UN human rights council's anti-Israel bias.
Israeli Ambassador to the UN in Geneva slams international community for believing Hamas' tale, allowing abuse of civilians.
Leaders say UN High Commissioner for Human Rights complicit in blatantly discriminatory campaign against Israel by Human Rights Council.
Erin Barclay slams constant obsession with Israel, says Trump considering pulling out of UNHRC.
Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister questions appointment of its own citizen as UN adviser after accusations of anti-Israel bias.
Having "been a real a**** to Israel," liberal comedian opines now "maybe Europe will have a little sympathy for what Israel goes through".
UN official resigns position, blasts Israel's "lack of accountability" while stressing "context" of Arab terrorism.
After refusing to cooperate with UNHRC's inquiry to Gaza, Prosor agrees to work with Ban Ki-moon's established board - with conditions.
In total about-face, UNHRC accepts Israel. Analysts: Israel threatened to leave UN; UN feared Syria, North Korea to follow.
Israel confirms it will attend the United Nations Human Rights Council Periodic Review, scheduled for Tuesday.
Richard Falk says the peace process is a trick, claims Israel's treatment of PA Arabs in Judea and Samaria is apartheid.
Assad’s armed forces kill and sexually attack children and use them as human shields, the United Nations charged Monday.
Amb. Prosor explodes myths. ‘How can Israel-PA conflict be the key to stopping Assad and Ahmadinejad? Jerusalem not Jewish?
Israeli ambassador to UNHRC: UN Human Rights Council “unjustified” and “counterproductive.”
Diplomatic source: Israel will not cooperate with the UNHRC's “fact-finding mission”, won't legitimize an illegitimate body.
New “fact-finding mission” to investigate Israeli settlements. Prime Minister: "This council ought to be ashamed of itself."