Torah Portion
News and updates about Torah Portion

The Right Way to Do Teshuva: Parshat Re'eh
The weekly Torah portion, with Rabbi Daniel Glattstein of Kehal Torat Emet in New York.

Weekly Torah Portion: Defeating Evil Instinct
Rabbi Avraham Nissanian of New York, on Parshat Dvarim and our debt of gratitude to G-d.

Rabbi on Cities of Refuge, Jewish Joy
Rabbi Moshe Bamberger shares teachings on the Torah portion of the week.

Rabbi Assaf Rahmanov on Bilaam’s ‘Final Solution’
New York rabbi discusses recent Torah portions, including Bilaam’s plan to destroy the Jewish nation.

Parshat Hashavua with Rabbi Ilan Meirov
Rabbi Ilan Meirov talks about this week’s Torah portion and how it relates to the questions of our generation.

NY Rabbi Criticizes Women of the Wall, Hareidi Thugs
New York Rabbi takes both sides of Kotel dispute to task, and shares thoughts on this week’s Torah portion.
