Torah scroll for the Temple Mount entrusted to Karlin yeshiva
A Torah scroll that was written and dedicated to a synagogue that will be built on the Temple Mount was brought for safekeeping at the Karlin Yeshiva in the haredi city of Modi'in Illit.
A Torah scroll that was written and dedicated to a synagogue that will be built on the Temple Mount was brought for safekeeping at the Karlin Yeshiva in the haredi city of Modi'in Illit.
Menashe's synthesizing role—balancing Joseph's universalism with Judah's particularism.
Yeshiva staff and students, as well as Ashdod's mayor, attend Torah scroll dedication honoring Major Chen Bouchris, who fell in battle on the morning of October 7 while defending southern Israel from the invading Hamas terrorists.
Rashi explains the juxtaposition of the section on the menorah to the section on the offerings of the princes, but what does it mean for our time?
Jewish resilience is incomparable, but when we understand who our ancestors were and the values they inculcated into us, we begin to understand where it comes from.
Yes, Esav rises high up to the top of the ladder, but eventually Hashem orchestrates his fall. It was prophesied then and it is happening before our eyes.
The polite rejection of any gift has a caveat. By rejecting the gift, we also reject the expected interaction expressed by the giving party.
Why did Hashem send Yaakov the angels on the ladder vision now?
A new Torah scroll was introduced in memory of Major Kfir Franco, an Armored Corps officer killed in action.
Sodom and Amorrah are societies where the people mask their immorality behind the disguise of the values of charity and law.
The same Noah who before the flood did not see fit to plead for his generation, now stands, according to the midrash, and demands a promise that there will be no more destruction.
Could the High Priest enter the Holy of Holies at will, or only on Yom Kippur? A seeming contradition and its solution.
Reading the first verses in this Parsha always gives me a feeling of awe, perhaps even fear...
Already since the days of the Rishonim, it was noted that the custom is not to attach the reading of the Parashat Ki Tavo with the curses to Rosh Hashanah. Why?
Can parents abrogate the connection with their child? The Torah has an unusual way of answering that question.
The combatant's willingness to sacrifice by possibly paying a personal ultimate price is soothed by realizing that his actions are linked to the fate of his nation and are an act of worship of the Creator.
it is so difficult to speak of comfort when the wound is still fresh and painful, when the captives and the missing have not yet returned. We ask Hashem to show us obvious miracles soon
The conclusion of Bamidbar ends the chapter of the trials of the desert generation, and now they enter a land flowing with milk and honey. Chazak, Chazak, V’nitchazek.
Unity or division - which will it be?
Humans are the only ones who believe that their lives are supposed to matter and, thus, the only ones who become depressed when they feel they are not impactful.
A close look at this parasha shows the importance of behaving well.
Today again there is a call to serve Hashem, a call that entails sacrifice on many levels.
Netzach Yehuda soldiers who left Gaza carried a Torah scroll across the border from Gaza to the battalion synagogue at the Erez base.
Viewing is not the same as seeing.
While the army must fight the enemy, it is ultimately Hashem who provides the victory if the Jewish people deserve it by prayer and good deeds.
In the army, there are soldiers who are assigned to places where they do not want to serve. Sometimes these soldiers are disgruntled, and when students in a particular yeshiva asked the head of the yeshiva what they should do about the unwanted assignment, he quoted them the words of Maimonides regarding the Levites.
Tens of thousands of students helped to raise the money to commemorate Lucy Dee and her daughters Maia and Rina, who were killed in a shooting attack in 2023.
"What is the meaning of:’if you follow My statutes’? It means that you toil in the study of Torah..".
Both teach us the same crucial values.
In the “Kel malei” prayer recited for a deceased person, we ask the Almighty, “provide a proper resting place beneath the wings of the Shechinah.”
The experiences and the commitments of thousands of years are etched into our psyche today and are as relevant and binding as they were as the time that they originally happened.
Torah scroll written for the Jewish communities of Israel and Ukraine is completed; Ukraine's President Zelenskyy wrote the first letter, and Israel's President Herzog wrote the last.
There are two conflicting messages that the red heifer teaches us.
Torah Mitzion for Shabbat Zachor and Purim.
The whole process of building the tabernacle is only a stage in reaching the real thing, building the Temple.
Subtle shifts in the order of commandments let us glean a profound lesson.
This Parashah represents a climax - Am Yisrael was extracted from Egypt, Moshe is about to conclude receiving the Torah, and then comes the crash - Bnei Yisrael slide back to idol worship. What went wrong?
The Zohar explains the Ketoret, Incense, comes from the idea of tying, creating a bond between us and Hashem.
The goal is not to sit at Har Sinai, eat Mannah and bask in the light of Hashem but rather to create a real, down to earth just society.
We can characterize four parshiyot named after people by dividing them into two groups and contrasting the members of each group with one another.
Israeli poets, cognizant of Tanakh, Midrash, and the new chapter of Jewish history being written today but not so different from the past, connect the Song of the Sea, Egypt and today's war.
Family of hostage Avinatan Or dedicates Torah scroll in town of Shiloh, praying for his immediate release from Hamas captivity.
What is the Tanach’s vision of optimal government for the Israelite Polity? Opinion.
In Israel, we can walk in the footsteps of the Prophets, on the same roads as Rabbi Akiva and retrace the Ramban' trip Jerusalem. Op-ed.
Herzog College to offer live & virtual lectures to global audience.
The erosion of Jewish literacy among today’s secular & non-Orthodox Jews, establishment organizations, academics, and intellectuals.
Bennett hosts Tanakh Circle at Ben-Gurion House, dealing with tribalism vs. the unity of the Jewish people.
Why did Am Yisrael fall on their faces now, when Aharon acted, but not before?
The burning bush is an apt analogy for the disrespect shown the Bible today. A new book clears up common fallacies about its content.Op-ed.
The question “What do you see?” occurs only seven times throughout the Tanakh, and is addressed to only three men, all of them prophets.
Yeshiva students ask for words of wisdom ahead of vacation - only to be told there is no vacation.
After wildfire engulfs Cape Town University, campus rabbi jumps into action to save Torah and pairs of tefillin left behind.
Yeshiva in Lakewood, New Jersey completely destroyed in predawn fire.
Two weeks after yeshiva beit midrash was demolished, forces arrive to continue demolition. Rabbis and students arrested.
Watch Live: Rabbi Moshe Taragin discusses the Song of Songs in the latest edition of Herzog College's Bible Studies series.
Bilaam represented a poisoned personality with intellectual skills.
Israel's first Cheif Rabbi, Torah luminary and iconic leader of Religious Zionism, on the mitzva that is equal to all the others.
“Love” and “respect” may not always overlap.
Prime Minister writes his name in Torah scroll project in which more than 100,000 Jews worldwide have taken part so far.
Thousands of young Jews around the globe, affiliated with the World Bnei Akiva movement, participated in World Study Night.