UN official:
Nearly 200,000 Syrian refugees have returned since Assad's fall
UN refugee chief Filippo Grandi says that, between December 8 and January 16, approximately 195,200 Syrians made their way back home.
UN refugee chief Filippo Grandi says that, between December 8 and January 16, approximately 195,200 Syrians made their way back home.
With less than a week till federal elections, Syrian refugees who arrived in the country in 2015 will have a strong impact on the outcome.
Roughly one million Syrian refugees have returned to Syria, says senior Syrian official.
Citing violent threats by Jews, Dutch Holocaust museum nixes event for refugees.
Syrian assailant who stabbed three in The Hague was seeking Jewish and Christian victims.
Ibrahim Ali, 28, is charged with murdering a Chinese teen last year in British Columbia.
With some 60,000 refugees in southern Syria heading towards Israeli border, senior official says Israel won't accept refugees.
60,000 Syrians reportedly making their way from Syria towards Israelis border following bombings by regime forces.
German Chancellor, who maintained open-door immigration policy for Syrian refugees, condemns 'new anti-Semitism' from Arab migrants.
Dutch aid group for Syrian immigrants accused of discriminating against job-seeker with ties to Jewish community.
Cyprus, Israel, work together to fly two-day-old son of Syrian refugees living in Cyprus to Israel for complex heart surgery.
German-born Chanel fashion designer blasts Germany's immigration policy, says country 'murdered the Jews, then welcomed their enemies.'
Touring his birthplace, German Foreign Minister recites Psalms at the old Jewish cemetery of Goslar.
Poll shows Israelis strongly back Trump's bombing of Syrian base after chemical attack, but are divided on accepting refugees into Israel.
Amid global debate over ability of Western countries to assimilate refugees from Mideast war-zones, Israel nixes plans to admit 100 Syrians.
Syrian President asserts that some of the millions of refugees who have fled his country conflict are "terrorists".
Jewish resettlement agency planning a national day of "Jewish action" on refugees. Taking part are non-Orthodox rabbinical associations.
Israeli citizens take in and treat Syrian refugees off the Greek coastline.
Syrian family reunited with help from the resettlement agency HIAS.
U.S. President to sign executive action temporarily stopping all entries from some majority-Muslim nations.
Trump expected to sign several orders restricting immigration from Syria and six other Middle Eastern or African countries, say sources.
A new exhibit at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum allows visitors to video chat with refugees.
Three synagogues in New Jersey are seeking help in resettling a Syrian refugee family.
Two Israeli youth organizations organize 'Operation Human Warmth' to help Syrian refugees.
Canadian Prime Minister commends Muslim community for its contributions to Canada and promises to continue absorbing Syrian refugees.
Canada's Prime Minister encourages the Muslim community to join opposition parties so that no party campaigns against Muslims.
Medical clowns from Ichilov cheer Syrian refugees in Germany.
Canada announces intent to raise number of Syrian immigrants.
Syrian refugees are being collected from Turkish streets and sent to factories where they make clothes for international companies.
Canadian Minister of Immigration explains that the government didn’t take size of Syrian families into account.
Some Syrian refugees in Germany face xenophobia and racism, feel isolated; others feel more welcomed.
Europen Union launches 350 million Euro program for pre-paid debit cards to be given to Syrian refugees in Turkey.
The Amaliah organization brings Syrians to receive medical treatment in Israel, and helps them understand that Israel isn't the enemy.
Letter signed by 43 rabbis in Texas calls on the state's governor to remain in the U.S. refugee resettlement program.
Head of HIAS blasts Donald Trump Jr. for comparing Syrian refugees to the fruit-flavored candy Skittles.
Syrian teen who was in contact with a person who had ties to ISIS arrested after mosque reports his suspicious behavior.
Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal, Rabbi of the Jewish community, called for unity ahead of the upcoming elections in the city.
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society pledges to aid migrant refugees seeking asylum in US.
Three Syrian-Jewish families, including seven children, spirited out of war-torn country and resettled in Jewish community in Louisville.
"An Islam that works and lives according to the German constitution has a place here."
Israel has offered to help with security issues in the absorption of 3,000 Syrian refugees in Argentina.
After going missing on July 23, the body of Muhammed Wisam Sankari has been found. "Two knives had broken inside of him."
Syrian refugees in Greece protested after a young Syrian woman was found dead in a public shower for refugees and migrants.
Authorities may have discovered the person who pushed the Ansbach terrorist over the edge.
Turkish President Erdogan threatened to open his border with Europe to migrants, if the EU doesn't hold up its end of the bargain.
Details about the bomber who wounded 12 last night at the Ansbach music festival emerge, while Germany reconsiders its refugee policy.
Syrian clerics call for refugees to return to Syria to help rebuild the country, say mass emigration serves Assad and Iranian interests.
Secretary of State John Kerry promises that US will take in 10,000 Syrian refugees this year.
Federal judge dismisses Texas lawsuit over resettlements from Syria. State officials considering their next move.
Canada's UN ambassador says the country's experience welcoming Syrian refugees helps qualify it for a seat on the UN Security Council.
Oops: Migrants arriving in Italy and in Europe mostly from Egypt, Yemen, and other Arab countries, UNHCR rep admits.
Former German chancellor advocates Middle-East based solution for Syria refugee crisis, noting danger of cultural clash.
Initial steps in deal for EU to accept refugees from Turkey in exchange for giving over refugees from Greece.
As Europe ships Syrians to Turkey, Turkey begins its own mass expulsion of refugees.
In ironic twist of fate, two Syrian asylum seekers provide first aid saving member of NPD party who was badly wounded in car crash.
Canadian government provides 7,500 computers to help Syrian refugees study, find jobs.
Canada meets its self-imposed deadline to accept 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of February.
Secretary of State to announce new American contributions to support relief efforts for Syrian refugees later this week.
In op-ed, Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss says Trump anti-Muslim rhetoric reminiscent of Hitler's 'inciting racism' against Jews.