Friend of San Bernardino terrorist agrees to plead guilty
Friend of San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook agrees to plead guilty to providing him with the rifles used in the attack.
Friend of San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook agrees to plead guilty to providing him with the rifles used in the attack.
Justice Department says it has successfully accessed the data from San Bernardino shooter's iPhone.
Citing violation of security concerns for all users, Apple refuses to help FBI unlock phone of terrorist Syed Farook.
Federal judge rules that Apple must help the FBI break into Syed Farook's iPhone.
FBI missing a period of 18 minutes after the San Bernardino shooting in which it doesn't know where the shooters were.
Committee head exposes fiancee visa application of Tashfeen Malik, who with husband committed shooting; file shows vetting fell far short.
Enrique Marquez, friend of California shooter Syed Farook, believed to have purchased the rifles used in the massacre.
Senate hearings on shooting suggest Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik may have married in effort by terror group to set up attack on US soil.
Reports say Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik had communicated with "people with extremist views" in the Los Angeles area.
Sources say a $28,500 deposit was made to the bank account of Syed Farook two weeks before the San Bernardino massacre.
FBI official says Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik had taken target practice days before the massacre in San Bernardino.
Syed Farook's father sheds new light on his son, who with his wife carried out the San Bernardino shooting, killing 14.
FBI agents raid home belonging to a friend of San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook.
'We are Americans. We will uphold our values - a free and open society. We are strong. And we are resilient. And we will not be terrorized.'
Director of the Islamic Center of Riverside says Syed Farook's actions contradict the teachings of Islam.
Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Washington confirmed that Syed Farook visited the country in the summer of 2014.
Lead gunman revealed to have been in contact with several international terrorists, and recently traveled to Saudi Arabia.