Former Canadian PM Stephen Harper receives Israel Allies Award
Stephen Harper, 22nd PM of Canada, is honored at Israel Allies Foundation event attended by hundreds of Christian and Jewish leaders.
Stephen Harper, 22nd PM of Canada, is honored at Israel Allies Foundation event attended by hundreds of Christian and Jewish leaders.
Frum will turn her full attention to community activism to fight the "one hatred that remains socially acceptable still."
An economic critic and former minister under Stephen Harper's administration, dismantles Canadian PM's arguments.
Former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper speaks out against BDS movement in his Christians United For Israel address.
Stephen Harper says there's no reason why Canada shouldn’t follow in the footsteps of the US and relocate its Israel embassy to Jerusalem.
Former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper interviewed live on stage at AIPAC Conference, says Israel and Canada face the same threats.
Former Canadian Prime Minister speaks at AIPAC policy conference, discusses his support for Israel.
Stephen Harper says nuclear agreement with Iran should be cancelled if the Islamic Republic doesn't comply with it.
New poll shows that Canada's New Democratic Party is surging at the expense of PM Harper's Conservatives.
Prime Minister Netanyahu speaks with Canada's PM Stephen Harper, thanks him for his continued support.
Canada reveals string of new measures, increasing funding to intelligence and biometric, to nip 'developing terror threat' in the bud.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper says there is "no legitimate reason" in a liberal democracy to join any extremist group.
Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper says his government "remains resolute in our commitment to defend Israel".
Proposed bill would grant the Canadian Security Intelligence Service expanded powers to identify and foil suspected terrorist plots.
Outspoken ally of Israel Baird announces sudden resignation from politics, as supportive Canadian regime liable to shift in elections.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper condemns the shooting attack in Paris, says it will not intimidate Canada and its allies.
Soldier was killed in what Harper calls ‘terrorist’ attack in Ottawa. 'Grim reminder that Canada is not immune to these types of attacks.'
PM Binyamin Netanyahu speaks with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, conveys condolences after terrorist attack in Ottawa.
Trudeau accuses PM of going alone for strikes on ISIS despite call for vote - and fact that Liberal leader in 2001 held no Afghanistan vote.
Canadian PM says IS is a direct threat to Canada and the world, and therefore Canada will take part in the coalition against the group.
Stephen Harper says international community's push for Canada, world to be 'ambivalent' on Israel is 'wrong.'
Liberal leader Trudeau sharply opposes Harper's bill to negate citizenship from those going abroad to conduct terror.
B’nai Brith Canada to nominate Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper, a staunch Israel supporter, for the Nobel Peace prize.
Canada's Prime Minister says Hamas - not Israel - should be blamed for the heavy loss of civilian life in Gaza.
'Solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict,' says Prime Minister Harper. 'Canada is unequivocally behind Israel.'
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper faces awkward run-in with Putin this week, after denouncing Russia's role in the Ukraine crisis.
The National Council of Canadian Muslims sues PM Stephen Harper for libel for linking the group to Hamas.
Liberal party leader claims Prime Minister supports Israel to gain Jewish votes, calls for better ties with Iran.
Israel's leftist hostile media hated the fact that the Canadian prime minister was full of support for Israel, says investigative reporter.
Ahmed Tibi is an 'enemy' who misuses his position to work against the State of Israel, MK Moshe Feiglin tells the Ethics Committee.
The Muslim Waqf reportedly vetoed Canadian PM's planned tour of the Temple Mount, because some of his guards are Jews.
MK Ahmed Tibi says he walked out during Canadian PM's speech because he was "biased" in favor of Israeli "occupation."
Prime Minister Netanyahu hosts Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper for dinner, thanks him for telling the truth at the Knesset.
Regavim video shows Tibi's outburst in front of Canadian PM, that MK Taleb a-Sana's village has no electricity or water, for the lie it is.
Canadian-Israelis proudly show their support for Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, as he continues his first visit to Israel.
PA Chairman meets Canadian Prime Minister, reiterates that there will be no official Israeli presence in the future Palestinian state.
At special Knesset session, both Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Canadian Premier Stephen Harper vow to stop nuclear Iran.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper becomes the first Canadian leader to address Knesset, during his first visit to Israel.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is in Israel, will address Knesset Monday.
One of the most outspoken supporters of Israel is in the country for an historical visit. Click here to watch the live video coverage.
Canadian PM Stephen Harper and his wife to arrive for 4 day visit with 200-strong delegation; Harper to address Knesset Monday.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper will speak at the Knesset during his upcoming visit to Israel.
Reports indicate Stephen Harper, staunch ally of Israel, may step down from politics following first visit to the Jewish state in January.
Following announcement of first Israel trip in 2014, Stephen Harper sings classics at JNF gala dinner.
At JNF event in Toronto, Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper announces he will visit Israel in January of 2014.
Stephen Harper reportedly planning to make the announcement at upcoming JNF event.
Minister will meet with Prime Minister Harper and Foreign Affairs Minister Baird, before flying on to Washington.
Toronto resident Mahmoud Jamal charged after attempting to break in into the prime minister's offices in Ottawa earlier this week.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper: We reaffirm our commitment to stand by the Jewish people.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu meets Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in New York, thanks him for severing ties with Iran.
Talk with Canadian Prime Minister will probably focus on Iran.
Prime Minister Netanyahu speaks with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, thanks him for his decision to expel Iranian diplomats.
Prime Minister: Canadian leader sent "a principled and important message to the entire world."
Republican candidate for president cited alongside Rupert Murdoch, leaders of Canada and India.
Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper extended Israel his nation's well-wishes as the Jewish state turns 64
Prime Minister Netanyahu returns to Israel after visiting Canada and the U.S. "We can defend ourselves and have many friends at our side."
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu meets Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, says Israel has a right to defend itself against Iran.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is expected to make a stopover in Ottawa to meet with Prime Minister Harper before heading to Washington.