For contribution to COVID vax:
Jewish scientist awarded 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine
Drew Weissman was awarded the prestigious prize together with his partner Katalin Karikó for their discoveries regarding mRNA vaccines.
Drew Weissman was awarded the prestigious prize together with his partner Katalin Karikó for their discoveries regarding mRNA vaccines.
Crosswords are more than just a hobby; they are a testament to our innate love for challenges and an excellent tool for cognitive fitness.
Study by Swiss researchers successfully implants paralyzed man with device allowing him to walk and move his arms.
Israel participated for the first time in the International Junior Science Olympiad and took home six medals.
Team finds that the total mass of ants on the planet is greater than all birds and mammals combined.
President Herzog hosts announcement of recipients of Israel Science Foundation’s Breakthrough Research Grants at the President’s Residence.
Who should our children learn about first, Moses or Shakespeare, the bible or art, Talmud or science?
Following the incident at the Natanz nuclear site in Iran, Arutz Sheva brings you a brief summary of the science behind the centrifuges.
Scientist Brian Keating explains how calls to 'follow the science' may indicate flawed assumptions. 'Science is by its nature provisional.'
For first time, powerful radio flares detected months or years after a black hole destroys a star in unexpected discovery.
Science Magazine: Some suspect polyethylene glycol may have triggered severe reactions in at least 8 who received shot in past 2 weeks.
New finding by Hebrew University researchers raises hope for bee habitat conservation amidst declining global bee populations.
Torah from Israel's first Chief Rabbi, the iconic leader of Religious Zionism: The Torah's message is ethics in a world created by G-d.
Israeli Science Minister Yizhar Shai to host World Science Ministers Conference, focusing on international efforts to fight the coronavirus.
'South Pole Wall,' made up of thousands of galaxies, is 1.4 billion light-years long and 600 million light-years deep.
I do not believe what the experts are telling me because what they told me years ago never occurred. I am old enough to remember. Opinion.
Scientists at Tel Aviv University produce hydrogen from microscopic algae.
Tunis University professor: Arabs rely on 'fables and myths' as sources of history without actually studying history.
Biotech company Gilead Sciences says government study shows its remdesivir drug helps patients recover from coronavirus faster.
Research suggests people with symmetrical faces have an evolutionary advantage.
National-religious high school in central Israel invites Flat Earther to address students, sparking controversy.
'Science can serve as a bridge to collaboration,' Israeli JNF scientist tells conference.
Special recognition award given to 423 Israeli companies and researchers that won the Horizon 2020 grant in 2018.
Supermassive black hole 1,000 times larger than black hole at the center of the Milky Way revealed in stunning photographs.
Rivlin hosts signing for cooperation between Israel National Academy of Sciences and Humanities, American National Academy of Sciences.
"Kimchi is one of the pioneers in deciphering the cellular death mechanism programmed in mammals."
Templeton Prize winner says atheism is a 'non-belief' and 'inconsistent' with science, but emphasizes that 'science does not kill G-d."
Son of Holocaust survivors wins $250,000 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Science Award for research into DNA.
Scientists announce discovery of 12 mile wide underground lake of liquid water on Mars, say other bodies of water possible.
Steinhardt Museum of Natural History at Tel Aviv University will open its doors to the public for a trial period in the coming weeks.
Famed physicist who boycotted Israel owed one of his greatest discoveries to theories of Israeli scientist.
Former Kiryat Arba resident Alexander Birbrair is a neuroscientist researching roles of specific cell populations in various tissues.
Bar Ilan researchers discover enzyme supporting metastatic cells, develop compound to eliminate them.
International team of scientists, including Weizmann Institute physicists, make historic observation of super-dense stars' collision.
Scientists from across region including Iran and Israel, become part of new international research center, first of its kind in Middle East.
Second 'Great Spot' found on Jupiter, this one dark, cold, and constantly changing in shape.
Israeli researchers and foreign colleagues discover that the common house pet began invading human settlements far earlier than thought.
Jewish physicist Mildred Dresselhaus, 'Queen of Carbon,' dies at 86.
Arab journalists protest lack of scientists, academics in Egypt, slam Israel's successes as 'embarrassment' to entire Arab world.
Because of the lack of gravity, astronauts would have trouble writing in space if it wasn't for 'space pens'.
Researchers at Weizmann Institute discover brain cells responsible for sense of direction and navigation in bats - and possibly humans.
Netanyahu meets with Australian PM Turnbull at UN General Assembly to discuss science and technology cooperation.
New exhibit at Ben-Gurion Airport displays 60 breakthroughs Israel has given the world, to be viewed by 8 million passengers.
Bar Ilan University takes part in the EU's annual Researchers’ Night, showcasing its science faculty to many interested Israelis.
Water recycling and synthetic medication for flu strains are among of hundreds of Israel innovations, say Nobel Prize winning scientists.
Chemistry professor gets invite to be member of the editorial board of an Iranian academic journal - an offer which she accepts.
Arutz Sheva talks with students on joint BIU/YU summer program to hear what they're learning about science and Israel.
Sci-fi or science? Head of NASA says proof of alien life just years away, top NASA administrator adds it will be found in our solar system.
Cabinet votes to appoint Tzahi Hanegbi as Deputy Health Minister and Tzipi Hotovely as Deputy Science Minister.
Army announces 100% cure for AIDS and hepatitis C. Doctors call the 'cure' a 'scientific scandal.'
Study finds religious Jewish high schools behind in science, Arab schools ahead. Researchers search for a solution.
34-year-old doctor of microbiology stumbles upon a new strain of bacteria during clinical testing.
New mechina (university preparatory) program is designed to integrate hareidi, open the hi-tech workforce for them.
SESAME project includes scientists from across the Middle East; aims to foster 'scientific excellence', build particle accelerator.
An ‘extinct’ frog makes a comeback in Israel’s Hula Valley, becoming a unique ‘living fossil.' A change from archaeological finds.
An analysis of a Mars rock sample by the Curiosity rover has unveiled minerals that are the building blocks of life, NASA said Tuesday.
German and Israeli students will work together at Minerva Centers and the Harry Truman Institute at Hebrew U.
A handwritten letter in which Albert Einstein wrote on religion and G-d is going up for sale on eBay, with bids starting at $3 million
Israeli kids are twice as motivated to become doctors as are kids elsewhere
An eighth-grader from the San Diego Jewish Academy won a science prize amounting to $25,000, at annual Google Science Fair competition.