Sarin Gas
News and updates about Sarin Gas

Trump strikes Assad and sends the world a message

Is Trump going to ally the US with the butcher?

Sarin may have been used in Syria attack
United States believes sarin was used in attack in Idlib province.

Tel Aviv's mayor prefers rockets to bullets

UN watchdog finds traces of sarin exposure in Syria
OPCW says it has found that some people in Syria may have been exposed to sarin or a sarin-like gas.

White House Concerned Over Syrian Chemical Weapons
White House concerned over the fact that undeclared traces of chemical weapons were found in Syria.

Expert: Syrian Chemical Weapons' Could Pollute Mediterranean Sea
800 tons of chemicals to be dumped by US forces into the Mediterranean at the end of the month; expert warns it might damage ecology.

Germany Admits Exporting Chemicals to Syria
Germany says it exported 111 tons of chemicals to Syria between 2002 and 2006 that could be used in the production of sarin gas.

UN to Confirm: Sarin Used in Syria Attack
UN finds ‘convincing evidence’ that sarin gas was used in Syria – but still cannot say who did it.

Anti-Israel Media, Chemical Weapons, and Israel

Russia Accuses Syrian Rebels of Using Sarin Gas
Russia's UN envoy says he handed over evidence which indicates that the rebels used sarin gas in March. White House skeptical.

Rebels Charge: Syrian Regime Used Sarin Gas Again
Opposition forces say Syrian Army regulars are again using chemical weapons to win the civil war raging across Israel’s northern border.

Hollande: World Must Act Over Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria
French President Francois Hollande says that the world is obligated to act in response to evidence of sarin being used in Syria.

France: Syria Used Sarin Gas, So All Options Are on the Table
French Foreign Minister says that tests on chemical samples from Syria make it certain that Sarin was used in the country.

'Assad Has Chemicals that Can Eradicate Entire Towns'
Assad has enough sarin to "eradicate the whole of Damascus," says a former scientist for the Syrian chemical weapons program.

Hagel: We Suspect Assad Used Sarin
US Defense Secretary: American intelligence believes "to some degree" gas was used on small scale.

Syria's Chemical Weapons Transported Towards Lebanon
Syria's President Assad has moved some of his chemical weapons arsenal in the direction of Lebanon, the Washington Post reports.

Report: Syria Combining Chemicals for Sarin Gas
Engineers working for Assad are combining the two chemical precursors needed to weaponize sarin gas, says U.S. official.

The Syrian Free Army is Signing Its Own Death Warrant