Headlines from Parashat Bo
The story of the Exodus is central to our historical purpose and destiny. Its "headlines" are psukim hinting to current events, leaving a bit to the imagination...
The story of the Exodus is central to our historical purpose and destiny. Its "headlines" are psukim hinting to current events, leaving a bit to the imagination...
Events that occur at a Biblical level of open miracles can still happen.
Rabbi Kirsch is serving in Lebanon and sent this thoughtful article and photo.
This is the Torah of Eretz Yisrael - and we have to say Amen.
There are messages for today's situation clearly spelled out in the parasha.
They need peace and quiet, but Moshe insists that they continue fighting until the land is fully conquered.
The opening of the donkey's mouth teaches us the basic lesson of the entire story.
When an organization is coming with a certain demand, is this a clear black and white issue? Or, are their true interests hidden from view?
Where did the spies go wrong?
I find that this week's Parsha contains a powerful message for us, after having just celebrated Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haátzmaut -and especially this year because of the war in Gaza.
To present an example that is happening right before our eyes; Why is the entire world focused, and even obsessed with Israel?
The whale of Messiah's time and the water libation are connected.
A comparison of the atonement of Yom Kippur and the sin of Aaron's sons.
Didn't everyone know there would be trouble?
A look back at Lag Ba'Omer leads to contemplating the connection between Redemption and the kabbalistic Zohar.
We want the type of unity that respects others, areas that bind us. Israel belongs to all of us. A shul belongs to all of us.Op-ed.
Daf Yomi learners finish the Tractate Nazir just as we begin the Book of Vayikra on Shabbat with the work of the Kohen Gadol. A comparison.
Comparisons to the sin of the Golden Calf.
Step by step, plague after plague, Pharaoh learns the way the world works.
Some of the "final words" and "small print" at the end of the contract ending the book of Bereishit.
Let's refer to Esau as red, and to Lavan as (how predictable...) white.
Reading this week's parsha can show us the amazing development in Abraham's life regarding a crucial existential question.
The real inspiration and power for the court comes from the holy city of Jerusalem and the Temple. This helps the judges stick to the truth.
Balaam is the perfect example of someone who tries to get away with doing anything not specifically forbidden.
38 years passed between last week's Parsha and this one. Not only did the whole nation die, all three of its leaders pass away.:
The Torah lifestyle reaches out to every corner of the world that seems to be empty, shallow and "dry"- and gives it life, color and depth.
Three occasions--Akedat Yitzchak, the receiving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, and the year of the yovel, have commonality.
Focus on the wise son's question and possible answers that point to the experiential aspects of Torah observance.
To all of the Daf Yomi participants that begin this week with Seder Nashim and Masechet Yevamot, I present this introduction.
If any of our grandparents from the previous generation would visit ours, would they be pleased with what they see?
Yaakov makes his first step into the "boxing arena" He is injured because this is now reality.
Each of the four starring characters in the Jacob story has his own attitude towards this world and the world to come.
In books of Chassidus (Tzidkat Hatzadik 107, Torah Ohr Parshat Noach) the Mabul is described as one great 'Mikve' (ritual bath).
Why don't we ask forgiveness for our personal sins on Rosh Hashana if it is the Day of Judgment?
Who is your tour guide? That makes all the difference.in how you deal with the Giant problem.
As one man with one heart, that is how we received the Torah and how we face our enemies.
Is it the land lying fallow that is the central theme, or are the Jews who do not work it during the shmita year the focus?
In this week's Torah reading, why begin the description of the Avoda on Yom Kippur with telling us of the demise of the sons of Aaron?
Parshat Mishpatim, the Torah portion called "laws" also calls judges "elohim" - God, masters or lords. What does this signify?
Which of the two models for Redemption is in the story of the Exodus? And which will be our story?
Before the holiday ends, a short Video Dvar Torah given at the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva makes the real conflict with the Greeks clear.
Abraham's negotiations in Hevron are a lesson for the future.
The world changed after the Deluge. Ours can as well.
When the Holy Temple was destroyed, the loss was of a whole way of life.
This is not in our food section because the ingredients are currently unavailable, but how we wish we could achieve the purity it brings!
One can define Korach's camp as an ideological group, except that it was tainted by the faults that bring down many failed ideologies.
There is something special when it comes to customs. Sometimes their effect is stronger than that of mitzvot.