
Rabbi Moshe Kaplan

News and updates about Rabbi Moshe Kaplan

Are you yearning for the Land?

Over and over, the Book of Bereshit emphasizes the centrality of Eretz Yisrael to Jewish life. Instead of merely reading through the events described in the Torah portion “Vayetze” in a superficial fashion, let’s take a deeper look through the eyes of our Sages.

Are you yearning for the Land?

The unity of Am Yisrael - difficult, but necessary

Rabbi Kook teaches that we must not wage ugly battles against differing groups, nor disassociate ourselves from them.

The unity of Am Yisrael - difficult, but necessary

National teshuva - part I

Rabbi Kook teaches that penitence which relates only to personal wrongdoing is incomplete because the Teshuva of each individual Jew is actually only a part of a much greater National Teshuva of Am Yisrael. What does that signify?

National teshuva - part I

Why don’t they understand?

Upon study of the topic, one finds that the Redemption is indeed a natural, dynamic, developmental process which requires our efforts to bring it about. Understanding this requires delving into the Torah's depths.

Why don’t they understand?

Rabbi Druckman on Vayechi: Don’t bury me in Egypt!

Why is it so important to Yaakov to be buried in Eretz Yisrael and not in Egypt? Rav Chaim Druckman zts"l answers this question.

Rabbi Druckman on Vayechi: Don’t bury me in Egypt!

Is there no Torah in Exile?

How can our Sages say that there is no Torah in the Diaspora? The Jews continued learning Torah all over the world.

Is there no Torah in Exile?

No Torah in the Diaspora? How can it be?

When Am Yisrael is scattered and out of its place, then the Name of G-d, which is the Torah, cannot come to full expression in this world

No Torah in the Diaspora? How can it be?

The Land of Israel, Torah and the Nation are One

Rabbi Yossi bar Chalafta said to Rabbi Yishmael his son: 'If you wish to see the Shechinah in this world, learn Torah in Eretz Yisrael.'

The Land of Israel, Torah and the Nation are One

Shavuot and the Torah of Eretz Yisrael

The word “Morasha” (inheritance) is written only twice in the Torah. Once in reference to the Land and once in reference to the Torah

Shavuot and the Torah of Eretz Yisrael

Jerusalem – Light of the world

55 years ago the two parts of divided Yerushalayim were reunited – east and west. Now we must reunite celestial and physical Jerusalem.

Jerusalem – Light of the world

Lag Ba'Omer and Tikun Olam

What is the best way to make the world a better place. Revolution or Evolution? What was Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai's misconception?

Lag Ba'Omer and Tikun  Olam

Yom Ha'atzmaut: Is there a halakhic basis for a new holiday?

There is no rational explanation for this country's victory in 1948 and its success. We thank Hashem for it, but a new holiday? and Hallel?

Yom Ha'atzmaut: Is there a halakhic basis for a new holiday?

The Revolution of all Revolutions

The Exodus from Egypt constitutes a revolution in the concept of reality.

The Revolution of all Revolutions

The significance of unity in the land of Israel

Only when Am Yisrael returns to its full vitality in Eretz Yisrael, is the Divine flow of life to all things activated.

The significance of unity in the land of Israel

One Nation in the Land

The Gerrer Rebbe explains that when the Jews enter the Land of Israel they receive a "Neshama Yeteira" as it says: One nation in the Land.

One Nation in the Land

United we stand

The essential message of Torah is directed to the Nation as a whole.If one soul was not at Sinai, we would not have received the Torah.

United we stand

Rabbi Akiva's vision

Seeing beyond the external, secular facade of Modern Zionism requires a higher perspective, like the all-encompassing vision of Rabbi Akiva.

Rabbi Akiva's vision

The religious value of national Independence

Jewish independence in Eretz Yisrael ushers in the Messianic era.

The religious value of national Independence

Medinat Yisrael, the road to Redemption

An independent Jewish government is not just a political accomplishment or a refuge against enemies, but the beginning of the Redemption.

Medinat Yisrael, the road to Redemption

Medinat Yisrael – Beginning of Redemption or no?

'Eim HaBanim Semeichah', by a great Haredi Torah scholar, Rabbi Yisachar Shlomo Teichtal Hy'd, explains why haredi anti-Zionism is wrong..

Medinat Yisrael – Beginning of Redemption or no?