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Seventh Day of Passover begins in Israel. INN's North America desk will continue to update the site until it begins in New York.
Seventh Day of Passover begins in Israel. INN's North America desk will continue to update the site until it begins in New York.
Wishing a joyous Passover holiday to all our readers. News coverage ends this evening, resumes Tuesday evening.
Passover begins in Israel. INN's North America desk will continue to update the site until it begins in New York.
As we approach Pesach, we need to acknowledge that many of us, if not all of us are hurting in some way. Perhaps you are in that group but remember, no matter how you feel, we need you as part of us. Op-ed.
Delve into Rabbi Sacks' digital archive packed with articles, videos, broadcasts and shiurim about Pesach.
Drastic metamorphosis as a mother who used to lead the house in organizing, now confined to bed.
From Shvi'i shel Pesach to Yom Ha'atzmaut to Shavuot, there is a theme for us to emulate as we leave the Pesach season: Nachshon's faith.
Young Israeli Religious Zionist Torah scholars explore the connection betrween Pesach and Eretz Yisrael.
Trudeau issues Passover greeting to Jewish community, denounces antisemitism, oppression and hatred.
President Joe Biden calls story of exodus from Egypt a message about the dangers of the current rise in antisemitism and hate crimes.
What is behind the blood libels? Are there four sons? Does the afikoman have special powers? And more.
Kabbalists emphasized the importance of the blessing in the month of Nissan specifically. How to kasher the kitchen for the holiday.
Assemblyman Eichenstein warns car wash operators ahead of Passover: Charging more for your services before Pesach is blatant discrimination.
The bill, proposed by MK Moshe Gafni, will permit hospital administrators to bar the entry of chametz during Passover.
*Rabbi Jonathan Sacks* reminds us of the great secret of the holiday of Pesach: It's all about the children.
When you insist people do what you tell them, and give them no choices, do you really love them? Is freedom part of love?
Pesach on the 14th of Nissan and the Festival of Matzot which begins on the 15th and lasts for seven days are two separate Festivals
PM Boris Johnson: The story of Passover is a reminder that there will always be better times ahead.
Young religious Zionist Torah scholars: Is there a substantive connection between the mitzva of Pesacḥ and Eretz Yisrael?
President Isaac Herzog and First Lady Michal Herzog to host lone soldiers and new immigrants from Ukraine for Seder night.
All food needs a kosher for Passover certification, but there are things that do not. A helpful list.
Israeli astronaut Eytan Stibbe speaks about his routine during his mission in space.
A wondrous midrash provides a clarification and way of looking at a difficult mitzva that we must observe on Pesach but all year as well.
Conference of European Rabbis working to ensure that thousands of Jewish refugees from Ukraine can celebrate Pesach this year.
Erdan to dozens of ambassadors to UN: This year, when we think of 'let my people go', we will also think of Ukraine.
Pesach is getting closer, and near chaos has broken out in a small set of offices located in Jerusalem.
The first Passover experience doesn’t happen in Egypt, but happens actually in S’dom. There are, however, similarities.
Would you have chosen to be part of the Redemption from Egypt? A majority did not.
The connection between Passover and Holocaust Memorial Day just after the holiday is the eternal nature of the Jews.
Between the lines of the Midrasjh saying that Jethro, Job and Balaam were called to Pharaoh to advise him on the growing Israelite problem.
The Baal Shem Tov: The first days of Pesach celebrate the Exodus but during the last days of Pesach we anticipate the coming of Mashiach.
Nearly 1,000 Jews visit holiest site in Judaism today as part of first large-scale visit to Temple Mount since COVID crisis began.
Aston Villa issued statement condemning hate after holiday greeting defaced with 27,000 “angry emojis” and “torrent” of anti-Israel remarks.
Orlando expected 88,000 frum Jews—mostly from the northeast—to descend upon this central Florida town for Pesach. Not our family. Op-ed.
The Passover Seder, which begins the 7 day holiday, may be the oldest continuous ritual extant.
The prohibition of ḥametz on Pesacḥ is designed to root out a person’s pride vis-à-vis his Creator, his God..
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wishes Jews a Happy Passover, notes cons - and pros - of holding virtual Seder.
President and First Lady Biden deliver speak at virtual Passover Seder hosted by Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff.
The Haggadah contains a word that tells what guarantees the survival of the Jewish People.
How do we find stability in an unstable world? It starts with you, and your relationships.
Today we grin and bear Erev Pesach on Shabbat; the Talmudic sages vigorously debated it.
Erev Pesach occurring on Shabbat is special, for out of the sanctity of Shabbat, the idea of Pesach can be understood in deeper way.
What lesson did the Jewish people in Egypt have to teach the generations?
Chava Dumas teaches essential steps to make your Pesach preparations fun.
Think about Pesach. Live Pesach. Don't let the preparations confound you.
"A Short Prayer before Pesach Cleaning" has been published in several languages, including Hebrew and English.
Pesach, the Festival celebrating our freedom, calibrates the Holidays. And Ba'al ha-Turim's calculations find a tikkun in Eretz Yisrael.
Health Minister optimistic that Israelis will be able to celebrate Passover with their extended families.
Senior Health Ministry officials say restrictions on public activity during Passover night are a certainty, question is only which limits.
Top Israeli coronavirus official tells Arutz Sheva government that government still waiting to see effect of Purim on COVID numbers.
This reminder is not about cleaning your closets but about preparing your soul.
Groundbreaking program offers free tuition for next three days only. Transform your Pesach!
Torah thoughts on Eretz Yisrael from young Religious Zionist yeshiva students:In Eretz Yisrael, even seasonal changes have deep meaning.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo: I understand the Jewish Orthodox community but now is not the time for large religious gatherings.
Ahead of Passover and amid coronavirus pandemic, Israeli President sends greetings to Israelis and to Jewish communities around the world.
US Ambassador to Israel releases video in honor of the Passover holiday.
Jewish actress Mayim Bialik releases new seven-minute video in which she explains the parts of the Passover Seder.
Education Ministry presents plan to resume schools gradually following Passover, beginning with special education institutions.
Friends of the IDF implements programs to address needs of soldiers stuck on base indefinitely due to coronavirus.