Obama Visit
News and updates about Obama Visit

Bennett: Obama Visit was Like Oslo Revisited
Minister says Obama's peacey-feely statements reminded him of euphoria preceding terror war. This time, he vows, things will be different.

A Baby is Stoned for Being an "Occupier"

Hizbullah Slams Obama for Calling it a 'Terrorist Organization'
Obama spoke like "an employee of the Zionists" when he said Hizbullah is a terrorist organization during his Israel visit, claims the group.

Video: Obama Departs from Israel
U.S. President Barack Obama concludes his trip to Israel, takes off towards Jordan.

Rabbis Call to Obama ‘Free Pollard – Yes You Can!’
Rabbis march in Jerusalem, call on U.S. President to free Jonathan Pollard. ‘Yes you can!’

Bennett to CNN: Words Don’t Stop Centrifuges
Minister Naftali Bennett talks to CNN about Obama’s visit to Israel, says Obama ‘has been very warm.’

Feiglin: Obama’s Speech ‘Brilliant’ – but Full of Junk
Feiglin says U.S. President’s speech was a mix of brilliance and garbage; warns that America’s ‘peace’ means terrorism.

Obama: Israel Means No New Holocaust
President Obama speaks at Yad Vashem, says that due to Israel ‘the Holocaust will never happen again.’

Obama Visit Enters Third and Final Day
Obama will lay wreathes at the tombstones of Herzl and Rabin, visit Bethlehem and meet Netanyahu before taking off for Jordan.

Obama to Bennett: We Should Talk
U.S. President Barack Obama told Minister Naftali Bennett that he would be interested in speaking to him, despite their differences.

Abbas Welcomes Obama's Jerusalem Speech
PA chairman welcomes President Obama’s speech in Jerusalem, as Hamas condemns Obama for “adopting Israel’s position”.

MK Shaked: Judea and Samaria Are Our Iron Dome
MK Ayelet Shaked (Bayit Yehudi) rejected Obama's remarks that "settlement activity is counterproductive to peace."

Video: Helping Foreign Media Understand Israel
Director of “Media Central” explains various ways the center helps journalists gain a more comprehensive understanding of realities, issues.

Steinitz: Obama Won't Interfere in Matters of Defense
Obama told Netanyahu that he will not tell him how to act when it comes to matters of Israel’s defense, says Minister Steinitz.

Photo Essay: Obama's Speech - An Inside View
Photos from President Barack Obama's speech to college students at Binyanei Haumah Convention Center in Jerusalem on Thursday.

Obamafest continues
Video: President Peres Honors Obama with President's Medal
Ceremonial dinner at President's Residence hosts Israeli politicians, celebrities, beauty queen.

Obama Visits Israel Museum, Sees the Dead Sea Scrolls
President Obama's 2nd day in Israel began with a joint tour in the museum with Israel's Prime Minister at the "Shrine of the Book".

Using Social Media to Tell the Story of Obama's Visit
Israel is making the most of President Obama's visit to get the word out about the challenges the country faces, via social media

Obama: 'pressure your leaders'
President Obama Hails 'Twilight of Israel's Founding Generation'
US President addressed the nation of Israel at the Jerusalem Convention Center, to standing ovations.

Obama to PA: Forget About Preconditions, Building Freeze
Some 'new thinking' was needed to get Israel- PA talks going again, President Obama said. Demanding preconditions is 'old thinking'

Where Do You Put 1,000 Reporters Covering the Obama Visit?
Over 1,000 reporters are covering President Obama's visit, and while here, their “office away from home” will be in the Begin Center

Video: When Cantor Dudu Fischer Met President Obama
At the Israel Museum, superstar cantor Dudu Fischer approached the President with a rendition of the classic “Oseh Shalom Bimromav”.

Environmental Activists 'Greet' Obama on Jerusalem String Bridge
Police arrested eight environmental activists who demanded that President Obama halt drilling in the Arctic

Large Arab Anti-Obama Protest as President Goes to Ramallah
As U.S. President Obama arrived in Ramallah for talks with PA officials, Arabs staged a large anti-Obama demonstration.

Rocket Victim: We're 'Victims of Obama,' And Nobody Cares
Whatever the reason for Hamas' rocket attack on Israel Thursday, says the attack's victim, Israel needs to prevent any future rocket attacks

Obama's 2nd Day: Meeting with Abbas, Speech in Jerusalem
Obama to begin the second day of his visit to Israel and the PA, in which he will meet PA Chairman and deliver a speech in Jerusalem.

Obama: U.S., Israel Talking About Extending Military Aid
U.S. President Barack Obama says that Israel and the United States are opening talks on extending U.S. military aid beyond 2017.

Obama Careful Regarding Chemical Weapons in Syria
"We intend to investigate thoroughly exactly what happened," says Obama when asked whether chemical weapons were used in Syria.

Video: Netanyahus Host President Obama for Supper
Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife hosted President Obama for dinner at the Prime Minister’s residence in Jerusalem.

Arabs Set Up Illegal Outpost in E1
As President Barack Obama began his visit to Israel, PA Arabs once again set up an illegal outpost in the area known as E1.

Rep. Engel Joins Obama, 'Brings Voices of New Yorkers' to Israel
Rep. Eliot Engel, the top Democrat on House Foreign Affairs Committee has joined President Obama on his first official trip to Israel.

Netanyahu Indicates Commitment to 'Two-State Solution'
Netanyahu indicated at press conference with Obama that Israel is "fully committed" to two states for two peoples.

Obama: Steps to Ensure Funding for Iron Dome is Uninterrupted
Full video of Netanyahu-Obama press conference and full text of U.S. President's statements.

First Day of Visit: Obama Teases Bibi over Red Lines
When Netanyahu told him to follow red lines painted on the tarmac, Obama joked about Netanyahu's tendency to paint such lines for him.

Obama: Little Daylight between Us on Iran
U.S. President, Prime Minister, hold an upbeat news conference. Obama, Netanyahu: Israel has the right to defend itself.

Peres to Obama: Nuclear Iran Greatest Threat
"You made it clear that your intention is not to contain but to prevent," President tells visiting counterpart.

Obama in Israel – Live Updates
U.S. President Barack Obama begins his visit to Israel. Arutz Sheva is accompanying the visit with live updates and video.

Ariel, Livnat to Obama: Free Pollard
Ministers from Bayit Yehudi, Likud use their seconds with U.S. President Obama to say, ‘Please free Pollard.’

PM Netanyahu Thanks Obama for Upholding Israel ‘Right to Exist’
PM Binyamin Netanyahu offered firm thanks in welcoming remarks to U.S. President Barack Obama for supporting Israel's "right to exist."

Ayalon: Time to Thank America
Former deputy Foreign Minister calls on the public to thank America for assistance that cannot be made public.

US Pres. Obama in Israel: ‘Peace Must Come to Holy Land’
“Peace must come to the Holy Land,” proclaimed US President Barack Obama after stepping down on to the tarmac at Ben Gurion Int’l Airport.

US President Obama Arrives in Israel
President Barack Obama has arrived in Israel for his first visit as the leader of the United States.

Peres to Obama: America and Israel Share a Destiny
President Shimon Peres thanks President Barack Obama. ‘Your vision reflects the future as it should be.’

Judean Town Names Neighborhood for Pollard
The town of Karmei Tzur names a new neighborhood for Jonathan Pollard as Obama gets more letters calling for his freedom.

Pres. Obama Arrives, Police Hotline 'Live' for Traffic Updates
US President Barack Obama has arrived, and Israel Police have provided a hotline for real-time information about traffic snarl updates.

‘Obama’s Red Line on Iran – Fiction’
Diplomat tells Ma'ariv that Obama’s ‘red line’ on Iran is ‘fiction’ aimed at discouraging an Israeli strike.

Beilin: Kerry Confirmed Obama Peace Plan
Obama plans to unveil a new peace plan for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, former minister says.

Poll: Americans Pessimistic Over Israeli-Arab Peace
Americans are pessimistic that Israel will ever be able to live in peace with its neighbors, new poll reveals.

Kerry Arrives in Israel Ahead of Obama Visit
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrives in Israel to attend some meetings a day ahead of President Barack Obama's milestone visit.

Obama Takes Off from Washington on the Way to Israel
U.S. President Barack Obama departed late Tuesday en route to Israel for a four-day trip to the Middle East.

Jewish Quarter Resident: Obama Put Us 'Under Siege'
The visit to Jerusalem of President Barack H. Obama will impact perhaps most negatively on residents of the Jewish Quarter.

Israeli Source Confirms: Chemical Weapons Used in Syria Attack
An Israeli source confirms that chemical weapons were used Tuesday in attacks in Syria. Obama, Netanyahu to discuss.

Thousands Rally for Pollard in Jerusalem
Thousands of people rallied outside the Presidential Residence in Jerusalem, demanding President Obama pardon Jonathan Pollard.

Gilad Shalit Appeals to Obama: Free Our Brother
Gilad Shalit joins Entebbe hostage in pleading with Obama for Jonathan Pollard’s freedom.

Video: Ariel University Students Protest Obama Exclusion
Students at Ariel University protested their exclusion from U.S. President’s speech. ‘No ignoring us.’

Rivlin: Obama’s Knesset Snub ‘Worrying’
Former Knesset speaker says President Obama’s speech venue choice sends message of mistrust.

Highway 1: Obama Traffic Jam Begins
The highway will be intermittently sealed off for traffic between Ben Gurion Airport and Jerusalem today.

Americans: Obama Should Pressure PA, Not Israel
New poll finds that 48% of Americans say the U.S. should increase pressure on the PA to compromise for peace, rather than on Israel.

Obama, Netanyahu to Hold 3 Working Meetings
Original plan called for only one meeting, on Wednesday. Meetings on Thursday and Friday have been added.