
North Sudan

News and updates about North Sudan

Yishai Will Have to Wait to Arrest Infiltrators

The Jerusalem District Court issues a temporary injunction prohibiting the arrest of infiltrators from North Sudan.

Yishai Will Have to Wait to Arrest Infiltrators

Yishai Steps Up Campaign Against Infiltrators

Interior Minister Eli Yishai announces that illegal infiltrators from North Sudan will be placed in holding facilities.

Yishai Steps Up Campaign Against Infiltrators

Proposed Law: Sanctions on Infiltrators who Transfer Money

Ministry of Justice publishes a proposed bill: It will be a criminal prohibition for infiltrators to transfer funds abroad.

Proposed Law: Sanctions on Infiltrators who Transfer Money

Sudanese Tensions Could Impact Israel

Israel's plans to return illegal Sudanese immigrants home could be harmed as Juba warns Khartoum 'oil deal or war'

Sudanese Tensions Could Impact Israel