Bonei Zion Prize:
Honoring outstanding immigrants
12 olim honored with the Sylvan Adams Nefesh B’Nefesh Bonei Zion Prize. Natan Sharansky receives recognition for his lifelong dedication to Israel and world Jewry
12 olim honored with the Sylvan Adams Nefesh B’Nefesh Bonei Zion Prize. Natan Sharansky receives recognition for his lifelong dedication to Israel and world Jewry
'Rabbi Sacks was a moral lighthouse, and his light is needed more than ever in these dark times,' Natan Sharansky says.
Russian opposition leader who died under mysterious circumstances in prison last week exchanged letters with former Soviet Refusenik, drew inspiration from his memoir.
Former Soviet refusenik says support of world Jewry sustained him during his years of imprisonment, will defeat Hamas and its supporters.
Natan Sharansky joins discussion in House Foreign Affairs Committee on antisemitism at the UN, PA, and NGOs.
Former minister and Israel Prize laureate Natan Sharansky responds to Vladimir Putin, who claimed that Zelenskyy "is not even Jewish".
Combat Antisemitism Movement outlines plan to fight antisemitism, as Board Chair Natan Sharansky warns antisemitism has gone mainstream.
Natan Sharansky appointed Chair of Combat Antisemitism Movement Advisory Board as antisemitism becoming 'respectable and comfortable.'
The resilience of a handful of Jews against relentless assimilation may have contributed to the downfall of the Soviet empire.
Former Soviet Refusenik sees family grow on day before Passover: 'The most beautiful gift for the festival of freedom.
Former Prisoner of Zion explains why it is in Israel's best interests to take a firm stand against Russia, not just for moral reasons.
Sharansky: When I was a child, 'Jew' was an unfortunate designation,,,on the Ukraine border, being a Jew is a most fortunate circumstance.
Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center leadership reacts to Russian attacks, including airstrike on memorial to massacre of 33,000 Jews.
Philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy, Natan Sharansky and Elie Wiesel’s son join call to protest Beijing Olympics over persecution of Uighurs.
Natan Sharansky offered advice to cope with COVID-19 lockdowns. Now, he’s recovering from the virus.
Former Soviet Refusenik tests positive after returning from Washington, released from the hospital last night.
Former Soviet Refusenic discusses global efforts to free political prisoners and fight anti-Semitism with Sec. Antony Blinken.
Winners announced in competition started by Natan Sharansky among Israeli companies to find innovative solutions to COVID pandemic.
Human rights activist Natan Sharansky says that for so-called progressives, "there is no such thing as individual justice."
Charting the journeys of Natan Sharansky.
A classic account of courage, integrity, and most of all - belonging.
Former Soviet Jewish dissident Natan Sharansky using Genesis Prize money to help those affected by coronavirus pandemic.
Amid restrictions ahead of Pesach, former Prisoner of Zion describes the faith that sustained him during his isolation in Soviet prison.
Natan Sharansky, refusenik who survived years of solitary confinement under the Soviet regime, shares his advice on surviving quarantine.
Natan Sharansky spoke at online anti-Semitism conference: Accusing Jews of spreading plague is nothing new.
Movie star husband and wife will co-host 2020 ceremony for prize nicknamed the “Jewish Nobel,” this year awarded to Natan Sharanksy.
Sharansky chosen due to his lifelong struggle for human rights, political freedom and his service to the Jewish people and Israel.
J-m mayor, Moshe Lion: 'If sitting in a Soviet cell was all you did for the Jewish people, it would have been enough, but you also lead us.'
Jewish Agency holds festive event at Ben Gurion Airport with hundreds of Olim who came in one day from France, Russia, Argentina and Brazil.
Chief Rabbi Lau calls for government to oppose new plan, avoid implementing any plan not approved by Chief Rabbinate.
Former Labor party leader, opposition head appointed leader of Jewish Agency, replacing Natan Sharansky.
Israel Prize winner Natan Sharansky recalls the conversation with Minister Bennett in which he was informed he won the prize.
Jewish Agency chief and former minister jailed for 9 years by Soviet Union selected for Israel Prize's lifetime achievement award.
At event honoring Natan Sharansky, PM Netanyahu calls on free world to pressure Iran to cease oppressing its citizens and neighbors.
30 years after his release from prison, Natan Sharansky presents Sec. of State George Shultz with award for contribution to struggle.
Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky delivers back-to-school message for Israeli children and parents.
Jewish Agency chairman condemns neo-Nazi rally in which counter-protester was murdered.
Blogger granted refuge in Israel after facing death sentence in Iran begins process of acclimation to her new home.
Jewish Agency chairman recalls first time seeing picture of IDF soldier at the Kotel in Soviet Russia, says Kotel should be for all Jews.
3 IDF soldiers from famous photo from Western Wall return to holy site on 50th anniversary of victory. 'As exciting as the first time.'
Invitation comes after concert last night in Tel Aviv, during which he told an estimated 50,000 fans that he is 'making Aliyah.'
Jewish Agency Chairman and former refusenik Natan Sharansky calls on world to stem wave of anti-Semitism.
Natan Sharansky, chairman of the Executive for the Jewish Agency for Israel, will head the organization for an extra year.
13% drop in rate of immigration to Israel in 2016.
Natan Sharansky, among those spearheading the 'Kotel plan', called for greater openness towards Reform Jews.
Education Min. and Jewish Agency Head meet with students from around the world to promote ties between Israeli and Diaspora Jewish students.
1,100 French seniors from Jewish high schools have come to Israel as part of the annual 'Seniors in Blue and White' program.
On the anniversary of the UN Partition Plan, Natan Sharansky spoke with Arutz Sheva about the lessons to be learned from the early pioneers.
Rio's new mayor told Jewish leaders that the Brazilian city should be 'walled like Jerusalem' to prevent drugs and weapons smuggling.
Jewish immigration from Brazil to Israel reaches highest level since 1970s.
Israel marked first 'Aliyah Day' today, celebrating the contributions of immigrants to Israeli society.
Rabbi Lookstein, who oversaw conversion of Ivanka Trump, warns divisions over Orthodox conversion will harm Jewish people.
Natan Sharansky announces he will be stepping down from his position as chairman of The Jewish Agency for Israel in June.
Christian African leaders met and planned with Natan Sharansky over the Jewish Agency's work on the continent.
Jewish Agency head Natan Sharansky warns that French government's efforts to help Jews haven't calmed concerns.
Harsh words at demonstration over rabbinate's refusal to accept prominent American Rabbi Haskel Lookstein's conversions.
Natan Sharansky, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin join protest over Rabbinate's refusal to recognize conversions by Rabbi Haskel Lookstein.
Liba Center releases new report on Jewish Agency's role in promoting Reform, Conservative Judaism in Israel.
Rising Arab immigration and spiraling anti-Semitism spells the end for Europe's largest Jewish community, Jewish Agency chief says.
Idan Raichel, former MK, and prominent journalist to be recognized for their work for the Ethiopian Israeli community.