

News and updates about Nantes


First they came for the Jews, now it is the nuns...

No one said anything when the Jews of Nantes stopped wearing a kippah in public. Now Christians are the targets of the arm of Islam. Op-ed.

First they came for the Jews, now it is the nuns...

How a European city was Islamized

The city financed its own self-conquest, or shall we say, the vote-hungry politicians of the city financed its Islamization. Op-ed.

How a European city was Islamized

French conference calls Israel's existence into question

Nantes, France hosted an anti-Zionist conference to criticize Israel's existence and Judea Samaria communities.

French conference calls Israel's existence into question

France: At Least Ten Injured in Van Rampage Attack in Nantes

A man drove a van into a crowded outdoor Christmas market Monday evening in Nantes, after shouting "Allahu Abkbar."

France: At Least Ten Injured in Van Rampage Attack in Nantes