Lebanon extradites son of Muslim Brotherhood founder to UAE
UAE detains Abdul Rahman al-Qaradawi, son of Muslim Brotherhood founder Yusuf al-Qaradawi, following his extradition from Lebanon.
UAE detains Abdul Rahman al-Qaradawi, son of Muslim Brotherhood founder Yusuf al-Qaradawi, following his extradition from Lebanon.
Syria's al-Jolani is a Muslim Brotherhood follower. And the West has not internalized the chasm yawning in front of it. Opinion.
Lebanese authorities detain Abdul Rahman al-Qaradawi, Egyptian opposition activist and son of the late Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi, will consider extradition.
The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan calls on King Abdullah to respond to the will of the people who regard the 'Zionist enemy' as an existential threat to Jordan.
Preliminary figures project the Islamist Action Front (IAF), the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, to receive up to one-fifth of the seats in the Jordanian Parliament.
Weapons were sent by Iranian-backed militias in Syria to a cell of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan that has links to the military wing of Hamas with an aim to destabilize the US-allied kingdom.
Diaspora Jews must put nation back into religion and Israeli Jews must put religion back into the nation.
An organization named DAWN has been active in recent months imposing sanctions on Israeli military personnel. Some of its senior employees are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Welcome to “diversity.” Opinion.
Fish have gills to breathe in water and Europeans need gills to swim in a sea of lies.Note: the 4th season of Fauda is in Brussels. Op-ed.
Cleric gave religious justification to the execution of terror attacks on Israel and against Jews all over the world.
Egyptian court sentences to death 10 members of Muslim Brotherhood who were found guilty of violence against security officers.
From London, the Muslim Brotherhood is now launching mega projects in the heart of Europe. Expose..
Cairo criminal court sentences acting supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood to life in prison for collaborating with Hamas.
Difficult times ahead for the relationship between Jerusalem and members of Berlin's new government, while EU funds anti-Israel NGOs. Op-ed.
The Muslim Brotherhood uses Western liberals to advance their agenda, duping them into joining the most illiberal group extant.Opinion.
Protests planned in Jordan against "electricity for water" memorandum of understanding signed between Israel and Jordan.
Experts say this is the deepest crisis in the Muslim Brotherhood's history. Op-ed.
Had America internalized the lessons of 9/11, its government would have rooted out domestic and foreign terrorists - and ideologies. Op-ed.
The Muslim Brotherhood fails dismally at running a country, destroying Tunisia as the Hezbollah did in Lebanon. What lies ahead? Op-ed.
People attacked and burned part of the headquarters of the Brotherhood movement, which holds the parliamentary majority. Op-ed.
Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs concerned about speaker at upcoming Muslim youth conference who was banned by Belgium and Italy.
Egyptian court sentences 24 Muslim Brotherhood members to death for the killing of police officers in two separate cases.
We now see what appears to be the acceptance of anti- Israel saboteurs among its ruling body. Op-ed.
Egyptian court upholds death sentences for 12 Muslim Brotherhood members who staged 2013 sit-in in Cairo.
A friendship symbolizing what can be despite the struggle for Middle East control by the Muslim Brotherhood and Shia fundamentalists.Op-ed.
Such a government will give Bibi enormous strength and leverage in dealing with Biden and Blinken, so it's not all bad. Op-ed
Mahmud Ezzat, 76, found guilty of "terrorism" and sentenced to life imprisonment.
How did it come about that an Arab party that aligns itself with Israel's enemies is suggested as a member of Israel's government? Op-ed.
A book by Elham Manea, child of a Yemeni diplomat, warns that our misreading of non-violent Islam can lead to real harm. Op-ed.
The Muslim Brotherhood has worked hard at obfuscating the West through its 2-pronged operation: political and subversive. And Biden? Op-ed.
CAIR heavily backs Rep.Ilhan Omar and claims a Biden “victory” is due to its pursuit of “Congressional Jihad.” Op-ed.
Remember when Obama said that Erdogan was his BFF and when Huma Abedin was Clinton's advisor?
The Muslim Brotherhood was outlawed and designated a terrorist organization in Egypt in 2013.
Middle East expert: 'Assault on Saudi blogger is a result of a long-standing struggle between the Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi heritage.'
Muslim Brotherhood says death of former Egyptian President was a “full-fledged murder”, calls for mass funeral.
Iran says US in no position to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization when it supports Israel.
Trump administration planning to designate Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organization.
"How can a representative of the US raise money for terrorist groups that seek our demise while serving as a member of Congress?"
Tunisian lawyer and writer Maya Ksouri: 'Muslim Brotherhood ideology spreading like cancer living on people's financial and moral weakness.'
Abdullah Morsi, youngest son of Mohammed Morsi, released on bail hours after being arrested for spreading "fake news".
Egyptian judicial committee freezes assets of more than 1,000 charities tied to the banned Muslim Brotherhood.
Egyptian court upholds death sentences against 75 people in connection with violent 2013 riots.
British Labour leader criticized over picture of him apparently making a salute linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Egyptian court sentences Muslim Brotherhood's Supreme Guide to life in prison on accusations of inciting violence.
Egyptian court has sentences to death 75 Islamists, including Muslim Brotherhood leaders, in connection with 2013 clashes.
Egyptian court sentences former advisor to toppled president and 13 other people to life in prison for belonging to an illegal group.
Egypt freezes the assets of leading government critic Abdel Moneim Abul Fotouh, who is accused of having links to Muslim Brotherhood.
Muslim children in France are taught to take over Europe the way Gazan children are taught about Israel. The rest of Europe is next.
Egypt puts the names of more than 350 people, including prominent Muslim Brotherhood figures, on its terrorism list.
Left-wing Israeli NGO defends Arabic network - but Arab states back up Israeli government's claims network promotes anti-Semitism.