News and updates about Moses

Eretz Yisrael in the Parsha:

What is the 'gomeh' that lined Moses' ark?

Religious Zionist scholars find and explain connections between Torah readings and the Holy Land. This week: Milk and honey, tsaddikim, 'gomeh'.

What is the 'gomeh' that lined Moses' ark?

If Moses came to Diaspora Jewry,...

“What is he screaming about?” they would ask hearing Moses call out “Let My people go!”

If Moses came to Diaspora Jewry,...

Israel's 1st Chief Rabbi:

Shemot: The inner trait of goodness

God gave Moses a sign to prove his authenticity — but a sign which implied displeasure in Moses’ lack of faith in his people. 

Shemot: The inner trait of goodness

Le’David Barchi Nafshi: Miketz

How Joseph achieved greatness

“For God was with him - the name of God was always on his lips.”

How Joseph achieved greatness

Breaking the Tablets was Moses' greatest accomplishment

Don't be afraid to visit your broken places. "There are times when G-d wants your mitzvos," the Rebbe said, "and other times when He wants your ‘broken tablets.’"

Breaking the Tablets was Moses' greatest accomplishment


Prayer works: Just ask Moses

If a prayer is not accepted, it’s not because we’re not religious enough or because G-d doesn’t like us. G-d is a loving G-d, and if He turned down our prayer we can be sure it’s for the best.

Prayer works: Just ask Moses

Moshe could not enter the Tent of Assemby

At the end of the Book of Shmot, Moshe cannot enter the Tent of Assembly and the shechina has not yet spoken with him!

Moshe could not enter the Tent of Assemby

What would Moses think of us today?

What would he say about the abysmal lack of knowledge about Judaism of so many Jews?

What would Moses think of us today?

Breaking the Tablets was Moses' greatest moment

"The world breaks everyone, and afterwards some are stronger in the broken places.” -- Ernest Hemingway

Breaking the Tablets was Moses' greatest moment

Vaera: Moses introduces the concept "kal vachomer"

The unspoken answer of Hashem, to Moshe’s query, as to why the affliction increased after Moshe’s first approach to Pharoah, leads to a kal vachoerm.

Vaera: Moses introduces the concept "kal vachomer"

The Transformation from Moses to Moshe Rabbeinu

The events of Shemini Atzeret 5784 can be led by the precedents set down in the Torah over 3000 years ago.

The Transformation from Moses to Moshe Rabbeinu

Shemot: Aaron's reward for 'rejoicing in his heart'

Breishit is filled with fraternal strife,until nearly its end, but Shemot has the exemplary brotherly relationsip of Aaron and Moshe.

Shemot: Aaron's reward for 'rejoicing in his heart'

We need to get rid of the inferiority complex

Why Our First and Greatest Leader Never Ate Schmaltz Herring.

We need to get rid of the inferiority complex

Devarim: The Book that Moses wrote

Israel's first Chief Rabbi: What happened to the broken tablets?

Devarim: The Book that Moses wrote

Devarim: Full of hot air

What did Moses say that caused our ancestors to change their minds?

Devarim: Full of hot air

Devarim: Empowered by the Nation

Moshe received the Torah at Sinai forty years prior to his speech.Why does he share his words only now?

Devarim: Empowered by the Nation

Devarim: From Moshe to Joshua to Ruth to Rashi and beyond

We invariably begin to read the final Book of the Torah, Deuteronomy, on the Shabbat which immediately precedes the fast of the ninth of Av.

Devarim:  From Moshe to Joshua to Ruth to Rashi and beyond

Understanding the generation: Why was Moses denied the Holy Land

Slaves respond to a stick, free people need inspiration.

Understanding the generation: Why was Moses denied the Holy Land

Chukat-Balak (Diaspora): Hey there, have a little faith!

What gave Moses the strength to go on after losing his brother, sister and the chance to enter the Promised Land in such a short period?

Chukat-Balak (Diaspora): Hey there, have a little faith!

Jewish History is a study of the future

“Moses and the Children of Israel Will Sing...”

Jewish History is a study of the future

How you can be as great as Moshe

Read what Rabbi Moshe Feinstein says about comparing the greatness of Moshe and Aharon.

How you can be as great as Moshe

Shemot: Moses' mistake

Why did Moses doubt God’s plan? How could the “master of all prophets” so gravely misjudge his own people?

Shemot: Moses' mistake

The birth of greatness

The psychological burning bush.

The birth of greatness

The Parsha and Current Events: From Moses to Moshe Rabbeinu

How was it possible to refuse Hashem for even a moment, let alone seven days and nights?

The Parsha and Current Events: From Moses to Moshe Rabbeinu

Not fit for the job? Great! Rav S. R. Hirsch on the parasha

G-d told Moshe: “This” – your inadequacy and self-doubt – will be a sign to the Jews that I have sent you.

Not fit for the job? Great! Rav S. R. Hirsch on the parasha

Watch: Phenomena in Google Maps! Is It Moses?

A satellite image of the Sinai seems to show a profile in stone - and Google Map measurement leads to an amazing conclusion..

Watch: Phenomena in Google Maps! Is It Moses?

Great expectations - great disappointments - and great return

We disappointed Hashem from the Exodus until today, not living up to expectations, but we have also proven that we want to be bonded to Him.

Great expectations - great disappointments - and great return

Summing up forty years

Moshe communicates a message to the generation in the desert and about to enter an unknown land, and he resonates on for eternity.

Summing up forty years

Chukat {Diaspora}: Why Moshe struck the rock not once, but twice

There are levels of dedication to Am Yisrael that only Moshe reached. His hitting the rock, say these commentators, is an example.

Chukat {Diaspora}: Why Moshe struck the rock not once, but twice

Three leadership styles and three different emphases

38 years passed between last week's Parsha and this one. Not only did the whole nation die, all three of its leaders pass away.:

Three leadership styles and three different emphases

Covenant & Conversation for Chukat: Anger Management

Maimonides sets out a surprisingly contemporary account of Judaism as a training in emotional intelligence. Moses' anger as an example.

Covenant & Conversation for Chukat: Anger Management

The leaders' silence and its punishment

The silence of the elders of Israel widened the breach in the people’s trust in Moses and Aaron, leading to the sin of the Spies.

The leaders' silence and its punishment

Moses, the humblest person on earth

What is the real meaning of humility? Is it self-deprecation or something very different?

Moses, the humblest person on earth

Parent Principles: An introduction

Moses received the Torah from Sinai, and gave it to Joshua, and Joshua to the elders, and the elders to the prophets.

Parent Principles: An introduction

Pekudei 5782

The great leveller: War - and Tehillim

It is said that war is a great leveller: on the battlefield, rich and poor are equally killed. For Jews, it is serving G-d and prayer.

The great leveller: War - and Tehillim

Does it affect you?

"And the people left from Moses' presence" - what does this intend to tell us?

Does it affect you?

Weekly Torah Study, KI Tisa: How did Moshe fast for 40 days?

Moses neither ate nor drank for 40 days and nights. That seems a stretch. Can man overcome physical needs?

Weekly Torah Study, KI Tisa: How did Moshe fast for 40 days?

Birth and rebirth in the Book of Shmot

Paralleling our national birth and rebirth is the birth and rebirth of Moses.

Birth and rebirth in the Book of Shmot

'Come to Pharaoh for I have hardened his heart'

The Beit Halevi, the Yismach Moshe, the Dubner Maggid and Rav Moishe Mendel of Vilan grapple with the reason G-d hardened Pharaoh's heart.

'Come to Pharaoh for I have hardened his heart'

The Levi Factor: Triumph over Pharaoh

Did Moshe know Pharaoh from his childhood?

The Levi Factor: Triumph over Pharaoh

Moshe Rabbeinu was only human, just like you and me

This statement is not meant to lower our esteem for Moses, but to raise hopes for ourselves.

 Moshe Rabbeinu was only human, just like you and me

Can we handle big change?

In the Torah portion of Vaeira - Moses notifies Pharaoh that the Jewish people need to leave Egypt for 3 days to serve God.

Can we handle big change?

When Hashem spoke harshly to Moshe

Hashem laments the departure of the Avot, rebuking Moshe for his words.

When Hashem spoke harshly to Moshe

Entering Eternity

The Name told to Moses to describe Hashem is cryptic, implies the unknown, the Unknowable and the Eternal, God's Name of the future.

Entering Eternity

The hidden Moshe Rabbeinu personality

In every generation, the holy Shechinah (Divine Presence) seeks out individuals who are like Moshe Rabbeinu,,

The hidden Moshe Rabbeinu personality

Aaron, the High Priest|: A new creation

All the brothers in the book of Breishit vied with one another. What about Aaron and Moshe?

Aaron, the High Priest|: A new creation

Ephraim first

Who should our children learn about first, Moses or Shakespeare, the bible or art, Talmud or science?

Ephraim first

There is a difference in sanctity West and East of the Jordan

Young religious Zionist Torah scholars write weekly on Eretz Yisrael: Why Moshe wanted to cross the Jordan when the east bank was also ours.

There is a difference in sanctity West and East of the Jordan

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Va'etchanan: Climate Change and Moshe Rabbeinu

A very current message about climate change can be derived from the actions of Moshe Rabbeinu.

Va'etchanan: Climate Change and Moshe Rabbeinu

Miriam, Moses’ friend

Some say that the loss of a sibling is harder to bear than the loss of a parent - Moses has to deal with that bereavement in this parasha.

Miriam, Moses’ friend

Servant leadership

What was wrong with Korach and his fellow agitators? He wanted power. HIs followers each had their reasons to feel resentful toward Moses.

Servant leadership

Sprints and Marathons: Acharei Mot–Kedoshim 5781

The good news is: there once was a Moses. Because of him, the people survived. The bad news is: what happens when there is no Moses?

Sprints and Marathons: Acharei Mot–Kedoshim 5781

Overcoming setbacks

There are heights you cannot climb without first having fallen. Moses shows us the need to try and try again.

Overcoming setbacks

Weekly Torah Study:Stopping to look at G-d's glory

Do we take the time to look at the beauty around us? Moses did.

Weekly Torah Study:Stopping to look at G-d's glory

Jewish life is not for the faint hearted

Moshe is the most humble and modest of all human-beings, but he is not allowed to be humble and self-effacing when meeting Pharaoh.

Jewish life is not for the faint hearted

On Moses and violence in the Torah

Speaking out when your opinion may make you unpopular is a good thing. More rabbis in America should be speaking out today for justice.

On Moses and violence in the Torah

Moshe – traitor or hero?

He had nothing to gain and everything to lose by turning on his benefactors, but he chose to be a hero of the Jewish people.

Moshe – traitor or hero?

Moses left Pharaoh's palace - and grew into greatness

Rav Ahron  Kotler says:’He ‘felt’ their suffering, as if it was his own."

Moses left Pharaoh's palace - and grew into greatness

The Daily Portion

From Moshe to Moshe. Pray for leadership, by Rav Yehuda Henkin

Today's leaders are not chosen directly by G-d, nor for their Torah scholarship, so as we face new elections, heavenly help is needed..

From Moshe to Moshe. Pray for leadership, by Rav Yehuda Henkin

Loneliness and Faith

When we are alone, He is with us. Great heroes of the human spirit met God in the silence of the lonely soul and felt His embrace.

Loneliness and Faith