The cruelty of stupid compassion
Objections to President Trump’s deportation order for illegals in the US and his plan to relocate every human shield out of Gaza reflect arrogant morality and collaboration with cruelty. Opinion.
Objections to President Trump’s deportation order for illegals in the US and his plan to relocate every human shield out of Gaza reflect arrogant morality and collaboration with cruelty. Opinion.
Sodom and Amorrah are societies where the people mask their immorality behind the disguise of the values of charity and law.
We live in a world in which morality has been sickeningly turned on its head. On Yom Kippur we remember the high standards of morality Judaism sets for mankind.
The rogue nations – Russia, China, Iran – are winning, and there is little the West can do at this point to stop them, if there is not going to be a change in tactics. Op-ed.
Judaism's defensive measures against moral transgressions are mocked and scorned by the progressives of the current world. Look where that got them.
Israel seeks to minimize civilian casualties, while Hamas seeks to maximize civilian casualties and use them as a propaganda tool. Opinion.
Biden’s State of the Union address and his subsequent pronouncements have harsh words for Israel, not Hamas, and not a word on surging antisemitism in the US. No real friend of Israel speaks this way. Opinion.
The Mullahs are highly vulnerable. Let us concentrate efforts on bringing down this foreign Islamofascist enemy of Iran's people. Op-ed..
No one is calling for Hamas to surrender, which would stop all the killing immediately. Op-ed.
It is evil to sacrifice our boys’ lives to a fake morality that does not exist, “global morality” that is neither global nor moral. Op-ed.
Failure by a nation to try those accountable for atrocities in a court of law renders an entire nation liable for the death penalty.
A surreal spectacle awaits those who enter the combat center of the Southern Command while fighting is going on in Gaza. Op-ed.
Since the Holocaust, the feeling is that no matter how hard people try; no matter how moral they want to be, in the end the monster wins.
The Torah is the epitome of morality, and we delivered the Torah to the world.Op-ed.
Core Jewish principles involve putting others’ interests before yours, respecting every human being, moral codes on right and wrong. Op-ed.
Idolatry serves man's animal instinct, leads to war and enslaving others. Monotheism advocates a common effort for good and justice.
This has become a terrifying looking-glass world where morality has been turned back to front, disloyalty and spite have moral worth. Op-ed.
Although there are malicious journalists, the public prefers that to a media devoid of criticism. Eight rules of morality for a journalist.
People who have stopped setting limits on personal behavior would like to do the same on a societal level by defunding police.
Opinion: Soldiers risk their lives protecting Jewish civilians. If mission is protecting themselves, many feel they'd be better off at home.
Former British Chief Rabbi to hold 5-part series on morality for the BBC.
We are taught to honor others and avoid gossip, but when a private act is made public for the sake of legitimizing it, we must speak up.
Across the world, atheists are assumed to be more immoral than religious people - even if the person judging is an atheist himself.
A Noahide American speaks out on Donald Trump's views on universal morality.
Lapid: If the Swedish foreign minister is concerned about human rights, she should focus on the whole Middle East - except for Israel.