Efrat Protesters Won’t Let Bibi Forget Migron
Women in Green activists are “greeting” Netanyahu Monday with support for Migron, which he has let down by not fighting its destruction.
Women in Green activists are “greeting” Netanyahu Monday with support for Migron, which he has let down by not fighting its destruction.
Residents of Migron: There's no reason for us to leave our homes before the Supreme Court hears our case. We're not going anywhere.
"Official" name change ceremony held. Residents: If we were Arabs, we would not be treated this way.
Minister Yaalon tells Migron residents that if they fight eviction, they won’t get housing.
Migron residents not appealing expulsion orders ignore threats they will be denied new housing if they don't leave peacefully.
Residents of Migron face expulsion, are being pressured by the government to leave peacefully and by nearby communities to protest.
As the eviction of Migron comes closer, an e-mail sent to department heads at the Defense Ministry reveals planned massive evictions.
Likud minister tells Arutz Sheva State Attorney's Office is disrupting proper governance.
Thousands sign petitions to save the Binyamin community from destruction. Verdict expected Tuesday.
Residents of Migron are furious as the Prime Minister ignores their plight on the eve of demolition.
If Jews have no right to a barren hillside in Samaria, desolate all through their exile, Jews have no claim between the river and the sea.
The IDF escalated a policy of removing potential opposition to destroying Migron and ordered two activists out of Judea and Samaria.
The leftist State Attorney's Office has defeat elected leaders in the matter of Migron.
PA Arabs ask the Supreme Court to give them temporary caravan homes that were allocated for residents of Migron.
State prosecutors tell ministers there are legal issues in Migron, Hevron and Beit El.
Lawyers and academics accuse the Prosecution of putting politics first when it comes to the Migron demolition.
MK Eldad presents petition to Prime Minister, says State Attorney's Office is acting like "a state within a state."
Legal Forum for the Land of Israel says if A-G can't keep his politics out of his work, he should resign.
The Supreme Court has agreed to postpone the eviction from Migron by 20 days.
MK Yaakov Katz's new bill will stipulate that an Attorney General who refuses to present the government’s position in court will be fired.
The government asked the High Court Sunday to delay for 30 days the destruction of Migron homes and the expulsion of its residents.
Women living in Migron ask local leaders to appeal to the government, so that they can stay on legally purchased land.
Itai Hemo, spokesman for Migron, tells Arutz Sheva that the buying of most of the land by the residents has 'shuffled the cards.'
Residents of Migron in Samaria appeal to the court to cancel an expulsion order following the secret purchase of the land by a US donor.
Bodyguards stepped between Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Arab MK Talab Al-Sana, who Lieberman called a terrorist on Wednesday.
IDF considers killing two birds with one stone by moving Beit El base to Migron.
Protesters showed their support of the Regulation Law in a demonstration near the Supreme Court shortly before a vote on the bill.
Migron residents: government is ignoring the part of the compromise with us which calls to consider leaving civilian presence in Migron.
The Cabinet Sunday approved a temporary housing site for residents of Migron, over whose heads there hangs an expulsion order.
Former Chief Rabbi Lau officiated at the brit mila of his grand-nephew at Migron, a week before the Knesset discusses legalizing the town.
25 MKs join an attempt to immediately end Supreme Court stalemate on Judea and Samaria. “Likud won’t expel Jews.”
Maariv journalist Libeskind: High Court President Grunis allowed eviction of Bedouins to wait for 22 years.
Members of Yisrael Beitenu tour Migron and express support for threatened community. MK Rotem envisions possible solution.
MK Yaakov Katz met with Beit El residents threatened with expulsions days after the state prosecutor said justice is on their side.
Legal explanations of Migron debate giving you a Migron headache? Watch this cartoon and you'll be set.
Minister for Jewish Home says various solutions are being considered after High Court decision.
Over 500 people attend the first conference of the Eretz Yisrael Shelanu nationalist movement in Tel Aviv.
Decision follows Council's decision to appoint Goldstone-type committee to look into construction in Judea and Samaria.
Livni justifies Court’s decision to reject Migron agreement, says it would be immoral to move residents, just to have them move again.
Head of the Binyamin Regional Council Avi Roeh: I hope the government will scramble to find a solution to prevent the razing of Migron.
Jewish Home's Orlev says the three-man faction will leave coalition if cabinet decides community in Samaria must be torn down.
Nationalist reactions to decision striking down Migron deal are coming in fast and exceedingly furious.
Judges threw out compromise between government and Jewish residents – set eviction deadline to August 1.
Migron agreement presented to the Supreme Court. Danny Dayan: I hope that ultimately the judges will approve the agreement.
The High Court will consider a petition to evict Migron residents from their homes now, despite an agreement with the government.
Arabs who failed to prove that the community of Migron was built on private land say the compromise with the residents is "a disgrace."
State attorneys have asked the Supreme Court to delay the destruction of Migron until 2015 pursuant to a deal struck with the residents.
Residents of Migron unhappy about moving to a new neighborhood, but are taking comfort in knowing they prevented a civil war.
Migron residents will move to a new neighborhood while the current site will be handed over to the Civil Administration.
The current site will be handed over to the Civil Administration and will not be ceded to Arabs.
The residents of Migron say that the government gave its word and is obligated to keep it - otherwise they won't sign on the dotted line.
Coalition chairman Elkin says prosecution pressed government to renege on its promise to Migron residents.
Minister Benny Begin holds news conference as Migron residents converge on Prime Minister's home.
The state now refuses to allow a civilian presence in the site that is to be evicted, wants all buildings razed.
Likud Knesset members visit Migron, called on Netanyahu to implement the agreement that has been reached regarding the community.
Settler leader Daniella Weiss criticizes the agreement regarding Migron, says it is meant to harm the struggle against land concessions.
Alternative structures will be built at permanent site not far from Migron. IDF may keep existing structures.
A law that would have prohibited authorities from demolishing homes at night was rejected by the Ministerial Law Committee
A top officer in the Israeli Police slammed the participation of Arab workers in the demolition of outposts.
A panel has been created to examine land ownership in Judea and Samaria and 're-evaluate' the much criticized Sasson Report.