
Martyr Abdul-Qader Al-Husseini Brigades

News and updates about Martyr Abdul-Qader Al-Husseini Brigades

Dual careers of a Hamas Qassami: Children's program star and terrorist

Dual careers of a Hamas Qassami: Children's program star and terrorist

Fatah Brigade That Murdered Couple Hands out Candy

Martyr Abdul-Qader al-Husseini Brigades of Abbas's Fatah, which claimed credit for Henkin murder, posts photos of twisted Gaza festivities.

Fatah Brigade That Murdered Couple Hands out Candy

Abbas's Fatah Claims Shooting - What Now?

Govt. yet to formulate response to Fatah claiming murder of young couple in front of children; terror group admitted to Iran support.

Abbas's Fatah Claims Shooting - What Now?